Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 5. An Expoftion upon the Book of J O B. Verf. 8. 23 the caufe ofhis af$ic` ions, the caufewas hidden and fo was the iflue,he could neither tell how he came in nor howlie could come out ; If our way in affliûions be hid, we mull feek untoGod for the openingof it. Secondly, To feekunto God for flrength andpatience, to bear the affliélion. As the afifion comes from God, fo loth the firength by which we (land under it, or get vic`lory over it. Thirdly, rofeek,unto God for the fanélifyingofafliidion to our profit, that we may bepartakers of his holintfs. A(flicions' are the goodcreatures ofGod, and they (as all other creatures) ari fandife.d to us, by the word and prayer. We have as much rea- fan to feek unto God for a bleffingupon our daily Rod,as uponour daily bread. Fourthly, Seekunto Godfor cure and cafe, for the removing or mitigating o(them. In their afilion theywill feekme early, faith the Lord, HT 5.15. But, forwhat will they leek ? cvett,for me- dicineand healing. Come and let us return unto the Lord: for be hash torn;- andhe will heal us, he bathfmitten, andhe twill bind us up, Hof 6 a, Olrferve from the other branch, And unto God would 1 com- enit my cauf i That It it a verygreat cafe unto thefoul inaf:îlion,to commit oser'caufe unto God, and toput our ffaires into hir hand. Man is not able to fiand alone, under the weight of his of di.- ons. Both finand Comm are burdens tooheavyfor us to bear: if you would havecafe, lay both. upon Chrifl; it is no nnbecoming boldnefs to do fo, for, he calls us to it, and bids usdo it, Pfal. 55. 22. Call thy burdenupon the Lord, andhefhallfuffain thee. Chuff is willing, to bear a part andput hisfhoulder under chele burdens, yea,tt isTis ftrength that bears the whole. The committing of our caufe to God, is at once our duty, our fafety and our cafe. Thus Dävi did, Pfa1,4.2. 2.; Ipowred my complaint before hirn IJhew- edbefore himmy trouble. David brought out his evils and let them (as it were) one, by one, in the fight of God, and told hinr,thus it is withme. We may fee David ailing this rule to the life, when Abfolom had fomented a moflunnatural rebellion againflHim He flattens out of Jerufalem, All the Country with a loud voice, and the Prietl with the Ark of the Covenant , of God came withhim alto. In whatpoflure was Davids fpirit in the tnidll of theft commotions ? His words to Zadoc thew'(no doubt.) they