Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

234 Chap. 1.. An Expofttisn upon the Book of J Q B. Verf. 9, duties, and is carelefs of communion, with God. Chrift faith of the Pharifees, that they bound heavy burdens upon the {boulders ofothers.Thefe burdens were eounfelsand di- redions, rules, and canons ; they would have men do thus and thus, in the manner of. Gods Wor{hip,or daily convene withmen. B.ut,They themfelves would not touch them with one of their.fingers (&Iat. 23. 4.) That is, they would not prat ife them in the leatf degree, As todo evil with both hands, (Mie. 7. 3.) notes the highcíi degreeboth of define and endeavour,in doing evil : _ So not to touch that which is good with a finger,notes a total negled of doing good. A. finger is the leafs member,anda Touch is the !call ad, then thefe Pharifees not touchingwith a finger imports they didnot ad at all. It is good to ad a rule privately by way of ex- periment,before we put it upon others : but it is moil neceffary to at it by way of example, when we have publifhed it to, and ptefsd it upon others. It was a fpeechof one of the Ancients, 1 never taught my people anything, but.what I had firffprac5iifed and experimentedmyfelf. Doctrine is fooner followed by the eye, than by the ear fle that (like theScribes and,Mat.23, 3.)faith anddoth not, fhall findbut few to do what hefaith. Noman ought to teach any thing, which he is not willing (as he is calla) todoand obferve himfeif. It is very finful to give counfel, which we will not take. Our workr oughtto be thepraeltfe ofour words, andaspraîlicableas our words,- , Woe unto thole ofwhom it may be laid, as Chrift of the Pharifees, Mat. 23.3. Wbatfoever they bid you obferve, that obferveand do, but do not ye after their works. JOB,; Chap. 5. Verf. 9., Which doth great things and unfearchablemarvellous :things with- out number, &ç. His., context unto the i 7 verfe,contains the fecond argument, by which .Eliphaz firengthneth his former Exhortation, To feekurtto God andto commit his caufe unto him. The argument ;nay be thus formed. He, is to befought unto, both in duty, and in wifdome, andunto, him our cattle is to be committed, who; is of abfolaste, infinite power, wifdome and goodnefs.. But