Chap. 5. d4n Expofatieñ upontheBook of J Q B. Verre. 9. 235 But God is of abf-olute, infinite power, teifdome and good atefs. Thereforeit is our duty, andour wifdome to feet unto God, and unto God to commit our'caufe. That, God is infinite in power, wifdome and goodnefs, Eli- phaz proves by an enumeration or indufu'ion of divers effeás and works, which call for infinite power, wifdome and goodnefs to produce and aEtuate them, Thefe effetsare laid down,firft in general, v.9. Who dothgreat things and unfearchable; marvellous things without number. Then, thefe works or effeEts are given in particulars, and the firft particular inflance ofGods-mighty power,is in natural things or his prefervatiòn of the world, at the r o verfe, Whogivetb rain upon the earth, andfendethwaters upon thefields. The fecond instance is given in civil things, or his adminiftra- tions in theworld, at the ra, 13, a4, verfes. And that we may . confider two wayes. x. In deftroying the counfels and plots of the wicked, in the 12113, and verfes. Hë difappointeth the devicesof the crafty, fo that their hands cannot perform their enterprife, &c. 2. In delivering thofe that are in trouble, at the 15. verse, He faveth the poor from the Sword, &c. Thefe are works of Power. Further the goodnefs of God shines forth in two things. I. By the prefent intendment, or end aimed at,in thefe migh- ty works, ver. x i. Tofit up on high thole that be low, that chafe which mourn maybe exalted tofafety. 2. By the future benefit ofthese works,and that in two refpeds verfe, 16. x. The railing up of their spirits who are oppressed, So the poor hash hope. 2. The confounding and thawingof their oppreffours, expreff in their silence, at the latter end of the r 6. verse, And iniquity floppetk her mouth. Thus you have a brief account,of the several points contained in this arguenent,and the disposition of the whole context.For the better understanding whereof; we will firft confider what might be theaimor (cope of Eliphaz, in making fo accurateand large a defcription of Goal, in his great and marvellous works, and then furvay these works in order as they aré digefied. Hh2 To