Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

236 Chap. 5. AnExpofition open theBook if J Q B. Vert. 9. To the former, wemay take notice of a four-fold aime, which Eliphaz might have in defcribing thefe works of God. Firfl,plainly to a1Tert the providenceofGod, in ordering or dif polingall aftions and events here below : and fo it is in profecu- tion of what he had laid in the6. verle, Af}li ion cometb notforth of the duff, neither doth troublefpring out of the ground. Or fecondly, his intent might be, tohumble job, to bridle and take down his fpirit, which he conceived over-bold with, and too much heightned towards the Almighty; A difcovery whereof himfelf made in his extravagant fpeeches, before noted, in the third Chapter. The remembrance of Godin:bidgreatnefs is oneof the readieft means to humble man :. And God himfelf took this way tohumble job, in the latter end of this book, even., by a large difcourfe of his own power, exemplified in many great aas and pieces of the creation. Or Thirdly, the intent of Eliphaz might be, to fupport and comfort job in his affliaions, by (hewing him a God, that had done fuch wonders, and therefore able to work another wonder in delivering and railing him up again : AGod, who could provide medicines for all his difeafes, heale all his breaches, repair all his lofTes, fupply all his wants, and refolve all his doubts. To confi- der God in himfelf and in his works, who he id, and what be cloth is a mighty encouragement to tech unto God in our greateff ex- tremities, in thefaddejt and cloudieff day of our aflitlions. Nei- ther can we do any thing more prevalent, for the fupport and le- lief ofour, own fpirits in a time, when we are lowefl, than to fpread before the eye of our own thoughts,the power, greatnefs, and goodnefsof the high God, in his works and wonders, A fourth intent in probability was to flop jobscuriofity, in en- quiring fo much into the reafon ofGods dealing with him, which lipbaz it teems obferved in the complaints of the third Chapter, where job. expoflulates, Why..ia light given to a man whofe way is bid, andwhom God bath hedged in ? job was troubled, becaufe he could not fee the bottome of Gods dealings with., him, he coul,l not fee through them,either what the caufe was, why.he came into thofe troubles, or by what iffues,and out-lets, he fhould efcape thole troubles. Now, to flop yobs curiofity in prying too far, or too boldly, into the workings of God. Eli- phaz tels him, That God cloth great things and unfearcbable, no marvel therefore, ifhis wayes were hid ; That he doth marvellous things