Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. `5. An ,Expo f tion upon the Book of j Q B. Verf. ¢, by the Prophet, íhewing the abundant increafe of the Church, (peaks thus, Bringmyfansfromfar,andmy daughters from the ends e f the Earth; even every one that it called by my name,for I have crea- ted him for my.glory, I have formed him, yea I have made him. try, Dbferve, here Ira plain gradation in thofe three words,.Created, Praduseit od formed, made ; I have created him, fignifies the bringing ofa thing "d% -tai from a not-being, to a being. But, faith God, I have not only Conffttuit remgiven him a being, but 1have formedhim ; whichnotes the lira. in fomafüa. ming,proportioning and polifhingof a thing : And notonly have rerj, ecit pó I done fo, but, in the thirdplace, (which is the word ofthe text) jolt I have made him. There is more in this word, than in the former two, and therefore we tranflateit with an emphalis, yea, 1 have made him ; that is, I have not only given him a being and a fhape, but I have put upon him all the perfec` ions of nature, yea, and the perfefions of grace, the impreflïons of my fpecial love and favour ; I have lifted him up to the top of all -; and fo fome ren- der theword, I have magnified or made bimgreat ; I have exalted and fet him upon the highefi pinnacles ofperfctions, and moun- tains of holinefs, Hence obferve, When God begins a work, he compleats and carries it through. He doth not only Create, and give a being: Forme,and give pro- portion, but He Both, or he makes, giving beauty and exadnefs to his works. Whether we confider the works of God as natural, civil or fpiritual; in this fence God doth them. Deut, 32.4. Mo- fesf eaks' in general, concerning all the works of God ; He it a rock,andbis work is perfelt : The works of Creation are admi- rable to theeye ; the works of Providence,how often do they fill the heart with admiration: that which he fpake to Samuelcon- cerning the houfe of Ely, is applyable both tohis works of Mer- cy and judgment ; When Ibegin, Iwill alfo make anend,i Sam. 3. 12. that is, I will do it fully, there is nothing (hall take me off, or flay me in the mid -way ; I will not work to halves, I will alfo.rriake an end. And fo it is in fpirttuals, when once God hath begin, he carries on his work of grace, when once he Path laid the foundation'front of mercy, henever leavesr until he hath fet up the top jgonr, the higheff jtone of glory, Hence the Apoftle _(Heb. i2) entitles Chri(f. The author . and finifher of our faith; that s,the beginner and ender, Alpha andOmege, hríf and fat} about ourfaith. It' fhall never be fail of any work of God (as Lioke' t,g,) ` ?hit, be began ,tobitild;butcouldrtotftnifl, it, And