Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chaps 5. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf. 9. 239 And as he finit cs,fo he beautifies : all his worksare full ofor- der and comelinefs : He doth his work exquifitely(or as we fay) artificially ; yea, thole works that we look upon , as full of con- fufion, are full of order ; and thofe works, in which we fee no form, or nothing but deformity, even thefe will one day appear (as mow they are)admirable in beauty and comelinefs.That which the Apoille fpeaks in his exhortation toTimothy, z Tim. 2. 15. bidding him do the workpf an Evangelift, bidding himPhew him - felf a workman, that medal) not to be *anted, is moll true con- cerning the great God of Heaven and Earth, He (hews himfelf a wor..nan, or a worker that needeth not to be atharned : When he works, be doth the work of a God; He works like himfelf: Man cannot fo much as be fufpeded tohave done loch things : The Name, that is, the wifdome, power and goodnefs of God,is written upon them in fo fair and clear a letter, that it mull be faid, by wayof affertion, This bath Godwrought t And by way of admiration, What bath God wr.ougbt ! Num. 23. 23. Aman (fc. a meer natural man beholding thefe things) (hall fay, verily be us a Gad that judgeth the Earth, Pfal. 5$. i r. Man cannot judge,or do like this. The Lord needs not engrave or fubfcribe his Name to his works; His words, like fo many Capital letters, fpa, and like fo many Heraulds proclaimhis Name. Which doth great things. To pals from the act or manner ofdoing, we will confider the objet ; He doth great things. Some men with a great deal of pains do nothing ; and others with a great deal of art, do a thing of nothing, a trifle, a toy, a meer fancy; at lea(1 force mean or inferiour work takes up their time, skill, or iludy t But when God goes to work, we may expect a noble work, He doti, great things. The works of GOD, anfwer the linear Attributes of Gad. He is a great God, and his are great works. The works of God fpeak a God. And here are four things fpoken in this one verfe, of the works of God, whichfpeak aloud, This is the finger of God I will fir(' bundle them together, and then, both take; and weigh them afunder. Firf, Great things. Secondly,. Vnfearcbable. He doth Thirdly, Wonderful. Fourthly, Innumerable, ox withoutnumber;