240 Chap. 5. An Expafition upon the Book of ,] Q B. ii tr! Verf. p: No works of man or Angel, are capable of fuch a four fold fampe as this : no,nor any one work ofall the creatures put toge- ther, could ever be tamped with any one of thefe characters, in any comparifon, with the works of God: Some, in a fenfe, have donegreat things but none bath done things unfearchable : Man away fathome the works ofman, his clofetl wayes are not pal} finding out. As there was never any thingmade fo ftrong by the firength of man, but there was fome other firength in man, that could match, yea overthrow it ; fo there was never any thing fo wifely,fo artificiallyor my(lerioufly contrived,by the skill,know- ledge and deepe(i underfianding ofa man,but that theskill know- ledge and underilanding of another man,hath, or might have rid led and fnatcht it out.The works of moll men, arewrought above ground, and their intentions flote and fwim upon the face of their aElions : Andalthough fome,as theProphet fpeaks(Ifa.ag.) work deep to bide their counfels (as they hope, not only from men but fromGod, yet God gives other men a light, to difcover the very loweil hell of thofe counfels, even, all the depths ofSatan, The Hatter Engeneereofthofe mines and fubterranean contrivan- ces. Further, Though Tome men do that, which makesother men (efpecially fools, or men weak in knowledge) wonder, yet no (Thaumaturgus, or) wonder - worker ever did that, which makes all men wonder. Or if it thould be granted, that any have done things great, unfearchable, wonderful, ,yet I am lure, none have done thefe things without number ; onegreat, unfearchable,won- derful work, is taske enough for one mans life : And as littleskill in numbers will frve the turn, tocati up, and give us the total fumme and number, ofall the works of all men, which deferved- ly bear (as mans may) the title and fuperfcription of great, un- fearchable, wonderful, More ditlinc` ly. Firil, He dothgreat things. There is a great- nefs upon every thingGod doth:The great God leaves(as it were) the Print of hisown greatnefs, even upon thofe things which we account little ; little works of nature, have a greatnefs in them, confidered as done by God, and little works ofproviderice,have a greatnefs in them,confidered as done by God; Ifthe thing which God doth,be not great in it felf,yet it is great, becaufe he doth it. As there is no fin of man little in it felf (though comparatively it be) becaufe committed againfi a great God : Su there is no work of God little (though comparatively it be) becaufe aged by the great