Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap, 5. An Expofition upon she Bookof J Q B. Vere 9, great God. Further, ifGod doth a thing, which in it felf coniì- dered,or confidered according to the line and ruleofthe creature, is unjuh; yet becaufe God doth it, or commands it to be done,his very doing or commanding 'lamps jullice upon it ; as is dear in the cafe ofAbrahams call to facrifice his fon, and the .Ifraelites carrying away the jewels of the Egyptians. If then the a& of God (whole will is the fupream law) makes that lawful, which according to the common rule,is unlawful ; how much moredoth thea& of God make that great, which inordinary proportion is accounted fmall. Again, When it is Paid, G,ddothgreat things, we mutt not underhand it, as, if God dealt not about little things, or as if he let the fmall matters of the world pafs, and did not meddle with them : Great in this place, is not exclufiveof Little, for, he Both not only great, but fmall,even the fmalleh things. TheHeathens faid, their Jupiter had no leifure to be prefènt at the doing of fmall things,or it did not become him to attend them.God attend- Non ;La: falling eth the doing of fmall things, and it is his honour to do fo : the igi rebrr sd- of a Sparrow to the ground, is one of the fmalleh thingse/Ja7ovi, that is, yet that is not without the Providence ofGod ; the hairs of our head are fmall things,yet as not too many,fonot too fmalI for thegreat God to take notice of; Chrift affures us this, Theve- ry hairs ofyour head are all numbred, Mat.r 0.29, 30. We ought highly to adore and reverence the power and inlpc&ionof God, about the lowef}, themeaueh things and a&ions. Is it not with the great God, as withgreat men, or, as it was with that great man Mofes, who had fuch a burden of.bulì.nefs in the government of that people upon his fhouldcrs, that he could not bear it there- fore his Father in law advifeth him, tocall in the aid of orhersand divide the work: But how? The great matters,the weighty and knotty controverfies mua be brought to Mofes; but the petty differences and leffer caufes, -are tranfinitted and handed over to - inferiour judges ; And it jhall be, that everygreat matter, they jhalt bring unto the:', but every fmall matter they jhall judge, Exod. a S. 22. But God,the great Judge of Heaven and earth, hath not on- ly the great and weighty, but fault matters brought unto him ; the leatt motionsof the creature, are heard and refolved, difpofd - and guided by his wifdom and power. You will fay, What is this greatnefs, and what are thefe great things?I flaall hintananfwer to both, for the clearingofthe words. I i There