Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

242 Chap. 5. An Expof:tion upon theBook of J O B. Vcrf. 9` There is a two-fold greatnefs upon the works ofGod. There is (fo we may diftinguithh) Firft, the greatnefs of quantity ; Se- condly, the greatnefs of quality or vertue : That work of God . which is greateft in the bulk or quantity of it is the work of Cre- ation ; How fpacious,huge and mighty a fabrique is Heaven and earth, with all things compaíled and comprehended in their cir- cumference ! And in this work,fo vail for quantity,what admira- ble qualities are every where intermixt ! Matter and form,power and order, quantity and quality, are fo equally ballanced,that no eye can difcern, or judgment of man determine, which weighs moli in this mighty work.. Yet among there works ofGod, forne are called great in regard- of quality, rather then ofquantity, As it is Paid Gen. t. i o.) That Cod made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the letter light to rule the night. (Sun and Moon) thefe are great lights, nor that there are no lights great but thole, or that both . thefe are greater, than all other heavenly lights ; for many Stars . are greater than the Moon, as the dotrine and obfervation of Aftronomers afures us ; but the letter of thefe is great in regard oflight and influence, excellency and ufcfulncfs to the world. And as to thefe works ofCreation, fo the works ofprovidence, are great works : when God deftroyes great encmies,thegreatnefs of his work. is proclaimed. When great Babylon, or Babylon the great:, (hall be deftroyed, the Saints longoftriumph fhall be, Great and marvellous are tby works Lord Gad. Almighty, jutt and true are thy wayes, tbuu King of Saints. (Rev. , 5. 3.) Great and marvellous- works, why, becaufe thou haft deftroyed great Baby- lon. and haft executed great judgment, and powred ont great wrath. So, great worksof mercy and deliverance to his people, are cryed up with admiration, And bathgiven us fach a delive- rance as this, faith Ezra, Chap. 9. 1.3.. when the Jewesreturned' from their captivity out of Babylon ; That mercy was a kindof miracle, that deliverahce a wonder, and therefore he mentions it in termes of admiration. Suchdeliverance as this ! How greats. So great, that he had neither words to exprefs, nor example to paralell it, but lets it Rand nakedly by, it fell, in its native glory inch deliverance as Ibis ! The Spiritual works ofGod, are yet far greater; the work of redemption, is called a great falvation, the convertion and juíti&. cationof a Gnner,, the pardonof our figs, and the purifying of our.