Chap. 5. AnExpofition upon the Book of J Verc 9, 243 our nature, are works as high, above creation and providence, as the heavens are in comparifon of the earth. Take two or three Corolariesor Dedu8ions fromhence : As firft ; It is the propertyof God to dogreat things Andbecaufe it is bit Rnimy property, he can as eafily do great things as (mall things. nihil corm Among men, Great fpirits count nothing great ; A great fpirit fwallowes and overcomes all difficulties : Much more is it fo with the great God,who is a Spirit, all Spirit, and the Father of Spirits, 7 o thegreat God there is nothing great : He canas eatily do the greateft as the leaft : a Sam. aq.. 6. a Chron. 14. There is no reJtraint to the Lord, tofave with fewor by many, or it is no- thing with thee to help, whether with many or with them that have HO power ; It is'not fo much,as the duff ofthe ballancewith God, to turn the fcale of victory in lxattei,whether there be more or lets : Seeing all Nations beforehim,are but as the duff ofthe bal- lance, as nothing,yea left than nothing. So that whetheryou put himupon any great work or (mall work, yóuput the Lord to no &Wore tlrefs, to no more pains in the one, than in the other, for be dothgreat things ; and to do thetr,is his property,not his tludy, his nature, not his labour. He needs not make provifions or preparations,for what he would have done,the fame at by which he wills the doing of a thing, doth it, ifhe wills. What great things hath the Lord done in our daies. We may fay as the Vir- gin (Luke a, 4g.) Fie that is Mighty, bath done to us great things, andHoly is his Name; and as they,Aets 2. II , We have both heard , and fíen the great things of Goddone amongff us ; and I believe Ode zx t ket+sia greater things are yet tobe done. It was a great work at the be- ,,allTú ow, lú¢.ag- ginning of time to make Heavenand earth,and will it not be a great work to jhake Heaven and earth ? That God hath Paid he will do, bet re the endof time. der once it is a little while, and I will fhake the Heavens and the earth, and the fea, and the dry land, Hag.2 6. The words following feem to interpret thisearth -quake, and Heaven - quake, I will (hake all Nations. Again, It was a great work to make theold Heaven and earth,? and will it not be a greater work to make,a new Heaven and a new earth ? That is thebufinefs which God is about in thefe latter dayes, as he pro- rniled,lfa, 65.17. Behold 1 create a newHeaven anda new earth; what is that ? yerufalem a praif,and her people ajoy; When God reformeth the faceofhis Church, and fettles the affairs ofKing- domes and Common- wealths, he makes newHeavens anda new Earth. I i 2 And