Chap. q. AnExpoftion upon the Book of ] Q B. Vern. p. And if it be the property of God todo great things, then, it is a duty inus, to expert great things. We ought to look for fuck things,as come up to,and anfwer the power and greatnefs of God; we difhonour, and as it were, humble God, when we look only for low and mean things ; Great expcîlationsfromGod, honour the greatnefs of God. As the Lord expeáts to receive the greatelt fervices from us, becaufe he is a great King, Mal. r. rq.. So we ought to expe& that we shall receive the greateft mercies from the Lord,becaufe he is a greatKing;lt difhonoursGod as much and. more., when we believe little, as when, wedo little. Agreat King thinks himfelfdifhonoured, if you aske him a petty fuit ; He looks more what becomes him to give, or do in bounty, then the petitioner to ask in neceffity. The Great Alexander, could tell his fuiter (whom he had more afotyitht, than relieved with his favour ) That though the thing might be too great for him to receive, yet it was not too. great for Alexander togive. If duff and afhes can fpeakandthink at thin rate, O how large is the heart of God l Then, it is not only our priviledge, but our duty to aske and be- lieve great things? we ought to have a great faith, becaufe God doth great things ; It is becomming, to have agreat God, and a little faith ? To have a God that doth great things, and we to be a people, (his people) that cannot believe great things ? nay, To have a God, who tan eatly dogreat things; and we a people, that can hardly believe (mall things? how unbecoming! if fome fmall thing . be to be done, then ufually faith is upon the wing, but if it be a great thing, then faith is clogg'd, her wings are clipt, and we at a !land ; why thould it be laid unto us, as, Christ faid unto his.Difciples, Uyeof little faith. It nt;:y be as dangerous to us, ifnot as f nful,not to believe the day ofgreat things, as to defpife the dayof finali things: Why (hould not our faith in a holy fcorn,baffle the greaten difficulties, in that language niche Prophet (Zech. q,. 7,) Who art thou.° great Mountain ? 'beta .Zerubbabel thou- fhalt become aplain. There is another useful confqucnce from this truth. He that dothgreat works, ought to have greatpraifes. As, we oughtto have great faith,that he will do great things,to,he ought to have great .acknowledgments, when he hath done great thitgs.Shall God do great things for us and (hall we givehim force poor, lean, ttarven ffcrifìces of praise ? It is very- obfervable, that, as Loon as the Przophc.t haddefcribed the. Lordin his greatenfs, (I fit. o, Is.) he