Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 5. AnExpofttion upon the Book of j OB. Verte. 9. 245 he adds in the very next verle, And Lebanon h not fuficient to burn, nor thebeafts thereof fufficient fora burnt Offering. That is no f rvices are great enough, for this great God. Lebanon abounded in fpices for incentè and perfume ; it abounded with cattel for facrifice and burnt-offerings; to fay that Lebanon had not fpice enough to burn for i.ncenfe,nor bearts.enough to burn for facrifice, thews the Lord far exalted in greatnefs, above all the praiCes and holy fcrvices of his people. Lafily, Peeing God Both great works for us, let us thewgreat zeal for, great love unto the Lord. We thould aimeat the doing of great things for God, feeing God indeed doth great things for us. Somuch of the firtl Attribute of the works of God. Who Both great things. And unfearchable. ] The Hebrew is, and nofearcb. The word -pi rto imports the fearchof thofe things whichare molt abflrufe and fe- cret. As the heart, which the Lord only can fearch, Jer, 17.15 The heart lies too lbw,not only for the eye,but for the underftan- ding of man. Hence it is ufed Pfd. 95.4. to note theFounda- tions, or deep places of the earth, becaufe they cannot be known, but by deep fearchings or rather,becaufe theyare beyond the dee- Penctroliatm pert fearch of man. And the fame phrafe we find, Pfal. 145. 3 tQ' ur .ygen, Great is the Lord, and greatly to be rai ed and f ys Ezra eplieat, g y P f , / qua Pet ; ne. unJearchable;- or according to the letter, ofhisgreatnefs nofearcb ; queunt,ntfte. as when the Pfatmitl fpeaks of the greatnefs of God, in his na- guyrope, cra- ture and effence, prefently he adds, andef hásgreatnefs, there is no tatione,velpo. fearch ; Co here, when Elipbaz (peaks of the greatnefs of God, ííùr quad ho- in his works, thenext word is, thy are unfearcbabie. As God ftl p fc;út in himfelf is great, and of his greatnefs there is no fearch ; fo bilia, reo ou_ many of the works of God are to great, that of their greatnefs tent in props. there is no fearch; that is, you cannot find out their greatnefs, bp, hula. Bextorf any fearch, God in his working (and fo are men, the hand cannot aC} beyond the head) as he is in underttanding. There is no fearch of his underJtanding (Ifa. 4o 28 ) Therefore there isnone of his working, This unfearchablenefs of the worksof God, may be confidered°, two wayes. a. As that; which cannot be found by enquiry. 2. As that, whichought not tobe found or enquired. There are force works of God,which arenoz to be fearched into, dream ïmjoa;j they are to be adored by, believing, not to be pryed into-by fear- ching;and in that fence they are called unfcarchable(Ro;n.1 i 33. ) Oshe.