246 Chap. 1. An Expofttfots upon the Bookof J Q Vert*. g, 0 the depth of the riches, both of the wifdonse of and knowledge of God! How unfearchable are hit judgments ! Many of his judge- ments,that is,his works ofjudgment, are founfearchable that it is .not induftry or duty, but prefumption, to fearch into them. As tholeunfpeakable words, which Paul heard in the third heavens, were fuch as (2,Gor.12. 4,) it not lawful for a man to utter ; fo unfearchable judgments may be interpreted fuch, as is not lawful for a man to fearch. Great Princes will not have all their afions icanrid, at leaft, not by all, They keep fiste in their works. If all a mans a6tions be level to the loweft his perfon will be fo too.The reafon why the works of Antichrift were to be fo mytterious and miraculous, is, becaufe he was to beadored and Godded,to be exal- ted above ail (in man) that is called God, or that is worfhiped, á 7bef, á 4. They who afpire to divine honour, have or at !call pretend to have many fecrets.Becaufefecret things belong unto God, things revealed unto man (Dcut. 29. 29.) And as the Angel at one anfwers and reproves Manoah , J udg. 3.1S ;; Why askef¢ thou after my name, feeing it is fecret, or wonderful ? As ifhe had Paid, thou muff not enquire after my name, for it is fecret. Such prying into the works of God, is as dangerous, as prying into the Ark of God (r Sam. 6. 19.) ft were more profitable for us, and more honourable to God,lfwe didfearchour ownfecret wayes more, and Gods teJs, There are other works of God,which cannot be fearched, yet we may and ought to fearch them. It is our duty to Lindy them, though we cannot find them. We may fearch and find many of the works of God, with our fences ; there are others which we cannot find,though we fearch for them, with our rea- fon and underftanding. As fome parts of the word of God (a Pet. 3. 16 ) So force parts of hisworks are fo hard to be un- derftood, that unftable men wreft them to their own defruition. The mind of God is legible in very manyof his works, and we may read them without a Comment or Interpreter. Others of his works are rnyfterious and ænigmatical, very riddles infomuch, that ifan ordinary man looking on them, íhould be queftioned, 71nderftandeft thouwhat thoufeeff; He mull anfwer'as the Eunuch didPhillip,How can I exceptforce matt teachme, And thefe works are unfearchable, two wayes. Firft, in regard of themanner of doing; we cannot find out the wayes and contrivances of Gods work. His wayesare in the deep,