Chap. 5. An Expofition urn the Book of .1 Q B. Verfe. 9. deep, and bas fiat-fteps are not known, faith the Pfilmift, tlfat is, the way which God goes to the accompl,íhungof his ends, are of- tentimes like Reps upon the water, which leave no impreflion or track behind them. Secondly, his works are unfearchable in their cauCes or endsi what it is which God aimesat,or intends,what moves or provoke% him to Inch a courfe, is ufually a fecret. Hedoth fuch thingsas no man can give an account of, or render a reafon why. Peter knew not how to conflrue or expound that work of Chri(t John 13. when he took aTowel with a bafonofwater,towafh his feet.Ther fore Clarilt tells him,Whet / do thouknowefi not(that is,thou know- eft not, what moves me to do this,for his eye taught himwhat Chrifi did)but thoufaalt know hereafter. In due tune this (hall be interpreted to thee,and thou fhalt know the reafon, why I did this. But it is Paid; and that may bean obje&ion againit both text and Expalition) Pfal, t , t . 2. The works of the Lord aregreat, fought= out of all thofe that havepleafure therein. To Peek out, notes afull difcovery. And in Pfai. i 06. 7. Failing in this,is charged upon the fathers, and confeffed by the children, as a fault. Ourfathers anderjtood not thy wonder,., that is, the great things which God did for them in Ægypt. How then is it Paid here, The works of the Lord are great andunfearchable. To clear this, Firit, I fay there are Come great works of God, which are ealie and plain : And it is our duty to be acquainted with, and learned in thefe works of God, as well as in the word ofGod. Secondly, thofe works whole text is hard, we mull fearchand labour to expound them, fo,as to further duty, but not to feed our curiofìty:; We may fearch them with fubmilhon to the mind of God, not for fatisfaaion, only, to eur own minds. We may fearch withdefìrc to honour God, but not to humour our feldes. We may fearch them to make us moreholy, thoughnot barely to make us, more knowing. Take two Corolaries from this. Firft, ifthe works ofGod are unfearchable, then:how unfearch- able are the counfels of God,thedeep and fecret counfels ofGod !' 'The works ofGod are the counfels ofGodmade viftble. Every work God is the.bringingof force counfel of God to light. Now if¿ we are not able to findout his counfels,when they are made vifiblc in his works , how (hall we findout his counfels, when they lye hidden in his break ? Secondly,. 247'