Ii Chap. 5. .eta Expofition upon the Book of i QB. Vert. 9 Secondly, Tt the works of God are unfea.rchable, then, we are tc fubmit unto the difpenfations of God, whatfoever they are, though we are not able according to reafon; to give an account of them ; though we cannot march out either the manner how, or the caufe for which they were done yet wemull reverence them ; And what we cannot believe by knowing, we mull know by be. Iieving. It is our duty, not only to winke andbelieve, fhut our ekes andbelecve,or believe when we cannot fee; but, we mull of- tan believe, where knowledge is (hut out, believe when we cannot ssnderftand. A'9rabam by faith followed the call of God, not TZ,nowing whether he went, Heb. i I. 8. It is dangerous to follow men blind-fold (how Peeing (bevel thole men are) but it is fafe, and our duty to follow God blind-fold, how Peeing foevér we thinkour (elves tobe. We mull not be difpleafed (as Jofeph was at Jacob his Father. Gen. 48 r7.) when we fee God laying his right hand upon Ephraini,and his left upon Manaffes,doing things crofs to our thoughts ; much lets may we take upon us to dire the hand of God, as Jofeph would Jacobs, where we pleafe. The Lord knows (as Jacob anfwered Jofepb) what he Both, and it be- comes us toacquiefce in what he Both, though we know it not. Some Roman Parafites, have Paid of. the Pope, That if befboudd carry thoufands to bell along withhim,there isno man multfay to him, Sir, why do you fo ? They adore him fo in the unfearchablenefs of his wayes and doings, that it is enough for them, if he doth them. Thisabominable flat teryof that Alan ofSin,is a folaer truth con- cerning the holy God; Though God cafts thoufandsof-fouls into hell, no man may fay to him, what daft thou ? And though God turn Kingdornes uplide down, thoughhe fends great afflictions upon his own people, and make them a reproach unto the Heathen t though he give them upunto the power of the adverfary & make all their enemies to_rejoyce, yet no man may fay unto'God,why doyou thus ; His works are unlearchable.It is beyond the line of a creature, to put any quellion, Awhy or A wherefore about the wo. k of the Creatour. Shall the thing formed fay unto him that formes it, wlyhaft thou made me thus ? Hath not the Potter pow. er -over his clay ? Some think, they could do things better than God hath done, or at leali that God might have done better; if they had the pow- er in their hands,things fhould not goe thus and thus,what an in- fufferable