Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 5. .9n' ExpojZti01 upon tit Book of J O B. Verf. p. 249 - fùtlerable indignity is this,to the' wifdom and power of God, that He whofe works are unfearchable (should be made accountable for his works ? That of Augirine when he was in a deepmeditation In crutabila about the nature of God, may well be applyed to the works of rn- robin diffrurit; in- God, who w_ alking by the fea tide in deep thoughts of God, ei- fcrurab;le efi ther, heard this voice or was filled with this thought, That he quod later CY might as loon empty theJéa with, or comprehend the Ocean in one rf perquiri nun thof-e little Cockle-fbels, which lay on the (shore, as with the narrow : Mira - vefelo his Spirit, comprehend the infinite reatne s of the Godof bife elk quad JJ % Lh f f Ì ipftlrñ quidern Spirits. afpareyfed tau M.rvellous things.-)' linfearchable things and marvellous, dif- fi ejut perquiri fer thus ; Thofe things are unfear,:hable, which lye hid,and can- n0"rortyiL not be found: tha t is a marvel whofe caufecannot be found,though Aquila to lac. it fclf benot hid. This is the third adjunct or attribute of the i11Zild] works of t=od.The word is derived from a root which fignifiesSe- from Aerated, disj.yned or Divided. And marvellous things are ex- preft by that word, becaufe Marvels or wonders are feparated or Separatto,dif- removed from us three degrees at leaft. They are feparated 3mí1á. Hrrc Firft, from our knowledge or reafon. frat,,aira- i, q- Secondly from our fenfe : not that marvels are invifible, mar- ha fìaunr à uia notabu veis and miracles, ate wrought to be feen, and the ufe of them feparata, v lies in this, from the fenfe to confirm faith, or to convince of un- c°Prum fupe- belief, Which (by the way) quite overthrowes the Popi(h re- raoae quúa_ fuge ofa miracle,in their fuppofed tranfubllantiationof the bread quí,autreprad- at the Eucbarill-, who tell us of a miracle, but can (hew us none. flare nequear, But though in all miracles and marvils the t hing wrought is plain to the fences, yet both the power and manner ofdoing it, are re- moved from the fences, The marvel wrought isfeen, but the work- ing of the marvel is not feen. Thirdly,Marve/s are feparated or removed fromour imitation, we cannot do (such things. The Lord hands alone working won: ders, They are feparated part and portion for God himfelf. The 1EgyptianSocere,s feemed to do by their devilithinchant- ments, what Mofes did by the command and power of God : But at the bell they did but fecm to do like Mofes, and prefeñtly they could not fo much as (seem, Exod. 8. 18. Andthe Magicians didfo, (that is, they attempted to do fo) but they could not. They that work by the Devils art or power, cannot work long, They will quickly beat A Couldnot.Both their religions and their miraculous works are at heft buh n appearance, at lad they will K k ®t