s o C ha? . 5. An Expoftian spin the Buoy of J O B. Vert. not, f> much as appeare. In thefe three refpeEs marvels are rightly called, fepsrate. Further the word aICo fignifics Cometimes, A hardora difficult thing, becaufe thofe rhinos that are very hard and difficult have fomewhat of wonder in them, and eau re us to wonder at them, D_ut, iy. 8. If a matter come which' is too hard; the word is; n hich is too marvellous aadwonderful f r thee, 8c. And Gen, iS 14. Is any thing too bardfor me (faithGod) the word is, It any thing wonderful to me ? Nothing is wonderful to us, but that which is too hardfor us. There is nothing wonderful to God,who cloth all wonders, andhis_binofèlf all Wonder. It hatte been laid concerning thole lovers of, and fearchers after fecret wifedome, called Philofphers, that it doth -not becomea Philofopher to wonder For admiration isufually the daughterof ignorance ; we marvel at molt things,becaufe we know the caufes of few things. It was therefore a flume for a Philofopher to wonder, becaufe it betrayed his ignorance ; who would be thought fiudied in, yea a matter of all caufes, and able to give a reafon of all things in nature.But it is moil: certain, the great God never marveleth at any thing ; For is any thing toohard forme, faith the Lord. Wonders are,.. things too hard for us, and the fame word fignifies a wonder anal a thing too hard. fat There are three words ofnear alliance in the Hebrew, Signer; MVO Miracles, and Marvailous. And they may be diftinguifhed thus, ßt`7.7 A Signe is the reprefentation ofa thing prefent, or before us : A- Miracle or Portentum (as contra- diftinff from the former) thews forth fomewhat future, or, that is to come. AMarvaile,as dif- fering fromboth, is anyad ofprovidence, fecret or feparate from us in the manner of doing or producing it, a thing to us unfearch- able; fo (Exod 33 r6.) Wherein(hall it be known,that 1 andthy people havefound grace in thy fight (faith Mofes) Is it not in that thou goeft with As ? So fhall we be feparated , ! and thy people So we tranflate it, or made wonderful; that is, if thou got& along with us, thou-wilt do fach marvails for us, as will make a difference between us, and all the people in the world : we than . be .a people marvell'd at, all the world over, or a fpetlacle to the World, Angels, and, Men. The pretence of God with a people,. is their difference, or will make them differ, from all people with whom God is not (under the Notion ofFhvonr and Proteertion) prefent,. Again,,.