II ER 252 Chap. ç. An Expefition upon the Bookof JOB, Verf. 9. ÿterance of the poor. When God (hall deflroy Babylon, the Song prepared is, Great and wonderful are thy works ; and (Exod. 15. 11.) from whence that is taken, Who is like unto thee, p Gad! Who it likle unto thee, glorious in holinefs, fearful in praifes, doing .wonders! The wonder was, a deliverance, the wonderful de- liverance of his people from Ægypt and through the red Sep:. Works of judgment are often called works of wonder Deut. 28. 59) I will make thy plagues wonderful; and fa. 28.21. The Lord (hall rife. up as in Mount Perazirn, he fhall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his firange work, and bring to pafs his ael, his f range aft : What at was this ? An aft of judgment upon his, and his peoples enemies, as is clear 2 Sam, 5.20. and Jofb. I o. 12.' where we may read, what God did in Mount Perazim, and in the valley ofGibeon ; firange works indeed. And thefe works of God are called marvellous, not only, when God is in them alone, and ads without the intervention of the creature, but whenhe as with the creature, above the firength of a creature, fo that little of the Creature appears in the act; this alto is a marvel. What God cloth more by a man, than man can do, whether in flrength or wifdom, ordinarily afilled, fo much ofa won- der Them, it felf, in what man cloth. And therefore no man is or- dinarily to attempt any ti ing beyond his flrength, for that is to tempt God, and call him towork a Miracle, at leali a wonder Non meextuli for us, Lord(faith David,Pfal. 131. 1.) Mine heart a not haugh- adeo,que ne- ty, nor mine eyes lofty ; either dot exercife myPelf in great matters, atvireo. autin. or in things toohighforme; The word is, in things too wonderful g rmPike"- for me , that is, I do not ordinarily put my fell upon things ï'heoderetua, which areextraordinary, or beyond my flrength and parts. J meipfurn me- meafure my undertakings and nay abilities together, and would tiebar,(.9' qua keep them even. I do not put God upon doing won tiers every me excedunr, day; therefore I let my felf to thofe things, which are accor- non aggref?ut ding to the line of man. If God call us to it, we may expeflk a fum. miracle, but we mull not call God to work miracles for us, or with us. I do not exercife my Pelf in matters too highfor me, Miracles or marvels are not ovary dayes exercif . We ought rather to be above our work, or any ofour defïgnes, than below them : but we mull be lure they are not aboveus. It is thefafef andholieji way for man, in all his actions to be upon a level. We cannot but difpleafeGodandhurt our (elves by clambering : It is but fometimes that the Lord will work wonders to relieve our necefíì,ies.