Chap, 5. - An Expofition upon the ofJ O B. Vere 9. 253 neceffaries and help our faith, but he will never (unlets in wrath) work wonders to pleafe our humours, or comply with our ambi- tion. Hence obferve. Firft, When wefee marvels done, we mull acknowledge the handof Gad. Marvels are proper unto God, Pfal. 75. a. In that thy Name is near, thy wondrour works declare : Wondrous works are an ar- gument that God is near : When wonders are among us, we may know, who is among us, and iffo, then this is a timewhere- in God is feen among us. We may well apply than of the Pfalmift to our (elves, Marvellous things bath the Lord done in our fight, in Ireland, and in the Fields Of England; Pfal. 78. 12. Marveils are rare things, things feldome done or Peen. We have things among({ us, which were never done or feen be- fore inour Nation, A Parliament which cannot be legally clifolvedbut by its. own Vote. An Affembly, where neither Diocean Bi(hops nor Deane (asfach) can Vote, The three Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, entred into a folemn Covenant, approved by the Affemblies, and authori- zed by the Parliaments of t wo Kingdomes. May we not conclude of thefe in the Language of the Prophet, Whobath heard filch a thing? who bath teen fach things? Ifa, 66. 8. Surely we may fay as Mofes to Ifrael (Deut. 4 34.) Hath God affaycd togo and talie him a Nation, from the middeft of another Nation by temptation, byfignes and by wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by a /iretched out armeand by great terrours, according to all that the Lord our God Both for us in England, before oareÿes. To take a Nation out of the mid(l of a Nation, is our cafe. If Eng- landfinding (as now it doth)her children firugling in her womb, fhould go enquire of the Lordas Rebecca did; (Gen. 25. 22.) why is it thus ? The Lord may anfwer,as he did :to her, vivo Nations are in thy rom'bc, and two manner ofpeople "(hall befepstratedfront thee. A Nation fearing God; and a Nation blaïpheming God, a Nation feeking Reformation-, and a Nation oppofing Refor- mation. Secondly, IfGod workmarveils and we believe him not, bath he not reafon to marvel at our unbelief; Chrift having wrought miracles to gaine the beliefof his Country men, mervailed at their unbeliefey Mark; 6, 2, 6, Unbelief is a great [in at all times,: K k 3 but