Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

254 -Chap. 5. .4n Expofrtion upon at Book of J OB. Vert. 9. but in a time when marvailes are wrought for the cure and healing of it ; unbeliafis a marvellous fin, Will not Quilt, think you, marvel at ournnbeli.f, ifwe believe not after all thcfe marvels z Te will not believe (faith Chrifl, and he rebukes the Jews for it, yob 4. 'exceptyoufee fignes and wonders : Surely if they were Co charged beçauáe they would not believe, except they faw fignes and wonders, how fhall they be charged, who will not believe, when they fee fignes and wonders, efpecially when God feems to work a wonder on purpofe,that they might believe? Godloves and prizes the faith r f man fo highly, thatfometimes he bids a miracle for it, rather than go without it. And Cutely now, as God hath wrought tnarvels,to abate the marvellous pride of the Adverfary, fo, to overcome the marvellous unbelief of his own peo- ple : As hath been obferved concerning the Lords fwearing,As I live Idelire not the death of afrnner, &c. Ohappy manfor whole fake the Lord fwears but, O moft unhappy, who doelt not be lieve the Lord, when he (wears. So, we may fay of the Lords- wonder- workings : O happy people for whom the Lord works wonders ; but Omoil: unhappy people,who believe not the Lord, when he works wonders. Thirdly, Seeing God works extraordinary things for us, let not its (fay in ordinary duties. Letour works have fomewhat of a marvel in them too I Let our repentance, and the change of our lives be marvellous ; let our zeal and courage for Çhrift be mar- velous ; like that of the Apoftles, who carried theinfelves with fuch heroical magnanimity,in the work ofthe Gofpel ; that when the High-prieft and Councel (who had converted and threatned them) law their boldnefs, They marvelted,faith the Text, 414.4. .13. Let our love and thankfulnefs be marvellous, let us pray marvelloufly, and believe marvelloufly ; marvels done by God, Mould ever work faith in man : And faith in man, doth fome- timework marvelling inGod. Chrift fpeaks with a kind ofadmira- tion to the woman of Canaan, 0womangreat is thy faith, Mat. r5. O that this people in this Nation,would let Him,thusa won- deringoncemore,0 England great is the faith in me ! O England, great it thylove to me! OEngland,great is tby zealfor me! O Eng- land, great it thy repentance, exceedingglorious, thy Keformátion. I willclofe this point with this one word. God hath begun to doe fo many marvels amongtl us, that I verily believe, the work he is.