Chap. 5. An,Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Nerf, g, 257 marvell) but can he give bread alto? can he provide Jkßs for bit people ? furely he cannot do this marvel alto : what faith the text ? The Lord heard this, and was wrath, fo a fire was ,kindled sgainft Jacob,and anger alto cameupagainft ¡[rae! : What doyou think, that I can do but one great thing ? that I have but one bleffing, but one deliverance but one wonder ? Know that I who ,faiote the rock,can provide you flefh ; I who gaveyou water, can give you bread, I who have difcovcred one wicked plot of the enemy, can difcover all ; I whohave given you one viéory, can give you a thoufand ; I who have given youone deliverance, can give you innumerable deliverances; Therefore take, heed of let- tingbounds to"God, oflimiting the Hely One of Ifrael : Men love tot to be limited,hut God ought not,We at once provoke and difho- nour the Lord by thinking, that our wants can renew, faller than his fupplies : or thatOur innumerable evills,f+all not find innume- rable good things toballance or remove them, from the hand of God. We weary men, when we come often to them, to do great things for us, yea to come often for :fmall matters, will weary men. But we never weary the Lord by cómmingoftcn,we weary God,only,when we willnot come often. Howdoth the Prophet, not only complaint, but expoftulate, becaufe that unbelieving King wearîedGod(take it with reverence)by notfetting bins awork, and that about the hardeft and mod knotty piece of work, that canbe,the workingof amiracle, and that as hard a one as him- felf wouldaske, either in the depth beneath ; or in the height above. Is it afmall thingwithyou to weary men, but willyou wearymy God alfo, Ifa. 77.13. It is no wearinefs to God to de innumerable mi- racles for us, but he is weary when we will'not believe he can do them. To be difirufled the doingof one, is more laborious to God, than to de a million of Miracles. To conclude this,take heed above alI,that you limit not God in works of fpiritualmercy; As tofear, to-ask pardon of-fin, be- caufeyc have asked it often. His great works of forgivencfs are as much without number, asany of his works, He multiplies to pardon,faith the Prophet,/js.55.7. And when the people of Teat! had committed a ncw,frn, it is admirable to read by what argu- ment Mofes moves the Lord for pardon. It is not this (as ufual- ly withmen) Lord this is the frlt fault, Lord thou haft nor been often troubled to .figne their pardon: But pardon I befeech thee, L 1 the