Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Ail 258 Chap. 5. AnExpoftion upon the Book of J 0 B. Vert. 9 the iniquity of this people, as thou halt forgiven this peoplefrom Egypt till now, Num. u,. 19. as if he had 'laid, Lord, becaufe thouhail pardoned them fò often, therefore I befeech thee pardon them now. It is a molt wicked argument to move our hearts to fin, becaufe God will pardon often ; but when we have tinned, it is a holy argument to move God to pardon., again, becaufe he hath pardoned often before : For he pardans< without num- ber. Secondly, Seeing God loth innumerable great things for us, lot not us be fatisfied in doing.a few.things at the command, and for the glory of.,od : Let us continue in ads of holinefs,charity,:.. humility, z"eal and thankfulnefs, without number Let us never hand reckoningour duties, when we hear the mercies of God are beyond reckoning. It is a noble rule in-ourfriendihip with men, That curtefies mutt not be counted: I amfureit is a holy rule inour obedience to God, That duties muff not be counted: God hath no needofany one of our good works, but he will not bear it ifwe ®mielR® non think we have done enough, or can do too many. Let our hearts of reiucenda be like the heart of God, ashe Both great things.for us, let us ®d calcate:.. do (in what we are able) great things for God, and good things Obedientionon for one another, without number. eft reducande So much in general of the proof of Gods power, by theG-rat ®daalcuiloh nefr, &e, of his works. --a--°---^ 10B,