Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

26a Chag. 5. Exyof tsa upon the of p : Verf. a-te earth,and then the earth giveth her increafe. The Rabbins have baker ti.ritt& a laying, that Rain is the husbandof the earth,becaufe thofe [how. terns,. ers fecundate the earth, and make that great mother of plenty, fruitful, in bringing forth all things ufeful and comfortable for the lifoof man, He giveth gain upon theface of theearth, (fia the letter of the Original ) that is, upon the earth , as the faceofHeaven,and the face of the Sea, fo the face of the earth, is an Hebraifine, for the earth is Celle. It is laid in the latter claufe of the verte, that befendetb waterr upon thefields ;,. We muffdillinguifhthcle waters from the rain, taking them for rivers and Ilreams ofwater,as the P.falmifl (peaks, He caufeth. the Rivers to run among the. Hills; and the Prophet Habbacuck, Thou cleavefi the earth with the rivers. =,,nom The word is of the Dual number in the Hebrew, and therefore Forma duali by Come applyed to thole two forts of waters : or to the waters /gnrfcan:ur above, and to the waters that are. beneath ; So the waters are f periorepit¡i,, diffinguifhed, Pfal. a od,. ver. 3. we read of the upper waters, Who c n,ut nubes, layeth the beams of Loir chambers in the waters, who maketb the ? inferiores clouds bis chariot; and of the infcriour or lower waters, in rerra,ur ma- ghe Lord faid, let the waters under the earth be gathered into one re, fontes lace : and both arc put to ether vert.7.Godmade the Firmament, flurninoa P $ r and divided the waters that were tinder the Firmament, from the waters that were above the Firmament. So that the waters above, and the waters below, may both here be underltood. It is added further,Hefendetb waters upon thefields. The word Ytri we tranflate [field: ] fignifres any place, that is without doors, Nomen proprrè as flreets and high-wayes ; and becaufe fields are without (fxb ejf fed jungiíur die) covered only.with the canopie of the Heavens, therefore we Aspe adverbe tranfate, befcndetb waters upon the fields. And it takes in all k; see ;¡únj forts of fields, whether till'd or untill'd : though fome conceive Lerfumpre to- that here Elipbaz means, theft fields elpecially that are untila so erteriosi. unfowne, or unmanured : fields where men come not namèly, mere. defarts and wilderneffes , as if he thouid fay,there is no place but dietlacé God 'fends waters to it ; Hence the vulgar read, infiead offields, eaorralibra in. all. places : He moiflens allplagies with waters, accefja. Here fiat, Forafmuchas an it:fianceof Gods greatnefs, power,, or Irrr'giftu1 and infearchable wifedome is given in the Rain, a natural thing we may note ; That, The cowman blejings of God art. ,sat . difpenfed taitbeut u fpeeäal