Chap. 5: An Expofition upon the Book of JOB. Verfe. 1o. 26; bins have aPaying, that upon every (apex or) Tittle of the Law there hangs a mountain of fence and holy Doarine. We may fay, that in every drop of rain there it an ocean of nifedome, ofpow- er, of gsodneft, and of bounty. If we fludy the ordinary works La ea infraDei" of God, we thall learn fomewhat extraordinary in them , corn- to fuas creotu- mon ;pings are full of wonder, and among all common things, rar fpel?nur none fuller of wonder than the rain 's To illuftrate this a little; in bentgnrtar,cte meatea fimul force particular confideratiotis : potentia,un Firft, There is marvellous power feen, in carding and giving di paitm Pro. rain. Is it not marvelous power, which railes the vapours and Phets,1ppre- holds (as we may fo fpeak) A Sea ofwater above the earth z That ferrfm in hoc fuch mighty Peas and floods of water hang in the air, and thence hbeo, quando g are diftill'dand fprinkled down (as job (peaks) in (mall drops,are Job f feadrrf as and arguments of the wonderful power of God. rands Defope- Secondly, Behold in the rain the wonderful goodnefs of God m ra praponunr who by this means cools and refreshes, nourifhes, and fitckles all eou pro fo 0 earthly living creatures. When the ground is chapt and gapes, as Pommr. frIerc,: it were with open mouth the Lord opens thefe bottles and gives it drink. And a trtisacle of goodnefs is feen in this,, for as much as when his very enemies hunger, he thus feeds them, when they are naked he thus cloathes them, when they thirft, he thus'gives them drink. Mat, He fendetb rain upon the »tit and upon the unjult : They are maintained in life by the goodnefs of God, whole lives maintain a continual war againtt his juflice. And as there is a wonder ofgoodnefs .in giving rain for the rife ofevil men a So there is a wonder ofbounty in fending raine upon thofe places, which are not of ufeto any man ; he fendeth waters upon the fields, that is, all over the world. Hence when Elibte would let forth the marvellous power and bounty of God, he ex ctnplifìes it in this (job 3 S: 25) Who bath divided a water courte for the overflowing ofwaters, to catefe it to rain on the earth where ?to man ir, and on the wildernefr, where there id no man ? Such an open and 'bountiful houle doth the Lord of Heaven and earth ' keep, that rather than any (hall want, he will (in a fence)ie-t the water runwafie, God wil; not have fo much as an herb or a plant to want : though there be no man to come there, yet thegrafi and fhrubs (hall have drink, and tafle of his bounty. And fo legible is that goodnefs of God, which is written with drops of rain; lo wonderful his power and bounty in giving rain, that the Prophet wonders; at the ftupidity of thofe men, wh'o are mot"'