Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

264 Chap. 5, An ExpofLion tapon the Boek of JQ B. Vetf. to, not convincedofand taught obedience by it. They .have not laid, let us fear the Lord tbatgivetb the ferít and the latter Rain in bu feafon, (Ter. 5. 24.) As ifhe íhould fay, what a orange thing is it that fweet showers of Rain have not-foftned the hearts of men, into the fear of God, and made them blo Yore with and bring forth abundantly the fruits of holinels? Hereupon it is very re -. markable, howHofer makes this a motive to perfwade the Chil- dren of Ifrael to obedience in Canaan, becaufe that country flood in much need ofRain, which Egypt, from whence they catne,did_. not, Deus. z i.1Therefore thall ye keep all the Commandements, which I command you this day, ver.3. For the Land whither thou goeft in topoff"efr it, is not like the Land of Egypt, from whenceye came out, where thou foweft thylied, and wateredji it with thy foot, like a gardenof herbs. That is, Egypt being a flat plain coun- try all upon a level, when theLand wanted moiflure, thou dídft not flay for, or depend upon the Rain, to moillen it, but with thy foot, thou diggefi drains, and madeft flutes or water - courts, from theRivers fide (meaningNilue that famous River,which ran quite through Egypt) and that rcfrefhed thyLandsand made them fruitful. But (Canaan is another kindofCountry, verf t t, t 2. ) The Landwhether thougoeft in topeffefs it, is a Land of Dills and Valleys, and drinketh water of theRain ofHeaven. fl Laudwhich the Lord thy God caret/2for, his eyes areupon it, &c. As if he had faid, Canaan is not a country capable ofbeing water'd by the foot, it is fo mountanous and uneven. All the labour of handor foot, cannot bring the llreams upwards, togive thy thirfty land drink, it mulldrink from Heaven, or be burnt up and parcht with this*, and iffo,.then,that mull be the Lordscare, his eyemuft obrve, when thou wanteflRain,hishand mull make water-courses in the Heavens, and open the Suces and cataraCts ofthe clouds for thee. And wilt thounot ferve this God in duty, who in bounty thus fer- vetb thee, and gives thee fucha fenfible evidence of his care over thee T The Apoffle Paul Preaches this to theGentile,, as Nato- cal Theologie, to leave them inexcufable, Though be fuffered all Nation, to walljin their own wayes (in that he gave them not either the light or refiraint of grace, yet he did give them light and reflrainttoo innature) Neverthelefs be left not hirnftlf, with- *as 14.17. out witnefs, in that he did good, andgave in rain from Heaven. As if he had raid, though ye have not had theRain of the word, yet the rain of the cloud, is lucha preacher of Gods power and goodnefs,