Chap. 5. An Expofition upon the Book of J OB. Verle. 1. 265 goodnefs, as will leaveyou for without excufe. The Lord himfelffeems to glory in this as one of the chiefeti ofhis works : (Job 38. 37.) Who can numbber'tbe clouds in zvifdorne ? Of. who can fray the bottles of heaven? I challenge all creatures to a com- petition with mein this And again in this book(Ch.36.26 )Elihu lifts up the greatnefs of God in this ad of his providencc,Behold God is great andwe know him not ; (wherein doth he inffance his greatnefs ?) it follows, verf. 27. For he maketbfmall the dropsof water, they powre.down rain according to the vapour thereof..Read parallel texts, Jer. to. i 3. Pfal. 65 . io, I 1. Pfal, 47, S.3 much of this work of God, the Rain, and ofhis power, wifdom, goodnefs, bounty viable and apparent in it., The fecond inflance of Gods power and wifdome, &c. is in ci- vil things, both in fetting'up and pulling down Firf in ratting and fetting up: Tofit up on high thofe that be low, that thofe which mourn may Iii exalted tofafety. As ifhe should fay,will you fee another way, wherein God thews himfelf inhispower, wifdome and goodnefs% It is in looking thorough the world for fuch as are low, that he may lift their up : in efpying out mourners and weeping eyes, that he may wipe them, and more, exalt them tofafety. Some of theJewifh. Writers conned this verse with the for- mer;makïng this as an efled of Gods.bounty and wonderful work in fending. rain. He fendeth rain and fhowres upon the earth with inch plenty "ofbidlings, that by this means, many who were poor, Iow, mean,and fadhearted, may be 'let in high eftate, and exalted unto fafety. And there is a truth in it Gods blefiing ups on the earthhath exalted many, that were low, to an high eftate, to riches and profperity. But rathcr,we (lull take it in a more general fenfe; and fo phaz in thefe words feems to comfort Job by givirg_him a hint, that though his eflate was now very low, yet if he would apply himfelf unto God, as he had advife, verf 2. By reeking unto and committing his caufe to him, as low as he was, he might be f t high again; and though he was now a mourner, fitting in duff and ashes, he might be exalted tojoy and fafety ; for hi this are power, wifdome and goodnefs of God are ufually put forth a iti exalted. The words an allufon to the cufrome of Prin:es and Magi - flrates,who fit in high places,upon creed thxones,rrs 1 Kings 6 in