Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 5. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf, I 267 afffidion. True paon inthe heart, will dim the brightnef i and (lain the beautyof the face. Theft Mourners fhall beexalted tofafety. ] The word which we n371 _ loco tranßate Exalted, lignifies to fet in a high place, and in a place fo éaácl ad high, that a man fo placed, is beyond the reach of danger or the ,b hosrbaa power ofan adverfary ; it is to be fet upon aplace impregnable ; pertingi ne- Hence the word is ufed for a Fort, Tower or Gaf le, because Forts quoar rev M andTeniers beingplaces of defence, were for themoll part built mphoram,rntMt Capon force highplace, upon force Rockorpra;cipiee ( Prov. ; 8. tincut to) The name of the Lord isa ftrong Tower ; That is, we are as turne. fafe under his protection, as in a thong Tower founded on the Ohm munitia. fteepeft Rock. And the Prophet defcribing the fafety of him who net =",44-471- - walkes uprightly, gives it in this word ; Theplaceof defencefhaG'duiariblta ae. be the munition ofRock,{,ffa. 33. i6. So jer.i.8. a. Mifgab is con ,`,titi,,, pre. founded anddifmayed ; That is the highplace or Cattleofdefence rupti, inac is difmayed, That word which is common to all places of fafety,cji, ut lotir:e being fuppofed by our tranflators, as the proper name offorce onearx a? h,lte place of more eminent fafety, arando dzF3e Further, although this word (Exal,ed) implies fafety, yet in elf. the Original, we have two words, They are exalted to fafety. He that is exalted (according to the fenfe ofthat word) is fafe- : But to thew the compleatnefs of their fafety, fafety or faivation is .expreft. He it exalted to fafety with falvation, or he isfafely £r AT Attu. exalted infafety. It is a full and a perfeó fafety, towhich God End}adre. exaltshis mourners and oppreffed fervants. They are as fafe as falvation it Pelf can make them. That's the force of the He braifine. From the former claufe of the verle, we mayobferve. Firft, 7hat advancement is the gift of God. He fetteth on high thofe that are low, l."fal 75 6,7. Promotion cow-eth neitherfrom the Fall, norfrom the ÍVeft, nor from the South (neither this way nor that way, nor any way of man) but Gd putteth down one andfeteth up another. when a man is advanced by the favour of a Prince, it is God that fetteth him up. If a man be advanced br the voteofthe people. yet it is God that let- teth him up. Though a man be advanced by that which may have molt contingency in it;by a lot,yet it is God that let- tech him up, Provo 6. 3,3. 7 be lot is cafl into the lap, but the whole difpofingthereofis ofthe Lord. The Lord gives fpecial di- region to mansperadventure, andcertainly determines, what we call contingent. M m 2 Se.