c 270 Chap. 5. An Expo tion xpin the Book of j O B. and proteíf it. Experience hathoften fhewed us the men of the world, roling iches and titles together mta amountain, but it `path been a mountain offnow,one hot day hathmelted all down. The mountain of outward bleffìngs, upon which God raifeth his people, thall be , if he pleafes) likea mountainof Adamant, which cannot be melted, or likemount Sion, which cannot be removed. Nueare hi" A high place is feldom a Cafe place:All high thingsare tottering,and the more high the more tottering. Then how unfearchable is the excel / omniá. wifedome, how great the power of God, who can Cet his people very high, and yet very fafe ? who can make a man Rand as firm and Heady upon the highen pinacleof honour, as upon a le- vel ground, or in a valley of the loweft eftate and condition. He exalts tofafety. And hence we may draw down a difference between Gods ex- altation ofhisown people, and the exaltation ofhis enemies and wicked ones. Wicked men are oft times exalted, and God exalts them though they know it not : but how ? He exalts then to a high plice,but Both he exalt them to a fafe place?No,thePfalmift, after a long'temptation, concludes, Thou haft fit them in flippers places, thou caJteft them down into deftruUion ; how are they brought üato defolation, as in a moment, Kai. 73. ó, t9. Haman was ex- alted high,but not in fafety :.Many are exalted, as Jezabelexalt- ed Naboth, high among the,people ; but it was to ftone him, ra- ther than tohonour him. It is Paid of Pharaoh, he lifted up the head ofhis chiefBaker, he lifted uphis head out of Prifon indeed, but he lifted up his head to the-gailowes all() , he lifted him out of prifon,..but it was unto his death. Such is the lifting up of wicked, men, they maybe let on high, but they are never fet in fa_ fety. .Howmany have we feen fuddenly advanced, and as Cud denly deprefs'd ? We are neverfafe, but where Godfets ut, or while God holds us in.his hand. Fourthly obferve ; It is a wonder, a';wonderful work of God, to exalt chofi that are low, and fit mourners infafety. The 507. Pfalm, is a Pfalm, recounting the wonderful works of God ; O that men would praife the Lordfor his wonderful works! is the burthen of that holy tong: And all thole wonders conclude in this ver. 39, 40. Again they are minifhed andbrought low, through opprejjon, aTij}i_ en, an] farrow : what then ? He powreth contempt upon Princes, Pic, yet fleet, be the poor on high from afiflion and maketh him families like a flock How wonderfull is this, that Verf. a.c,