Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. g. .Rn Expofition upon tbc Book of JOB. Verte. rr. 271 that the Lord will give Kings for the ranCbme of his people, and"" to ràiÇe his poor, will powre contempt upon Princes ? The high- eft mall down, rather than his low ones (hall not be fet on high: There are four things. which encreafe this wonder, and make it exc tiding wonderful. Fira, thefe poor havenofirength, (Deut. 32. 36,) He fees that theirJfrength is gone,. Secondly, Many rimes theyhave no hope, no faith,When the Son ofman comer, Jhall be find(among lowoues)faith (this faith to be exalted) upon the earth, Luke 18. S. Thirdly, they havemany enemies, Cubed ene- mies, powerful enemies, confident enemies, enemies (above hope) arrived at affurance, that they (hall keep poor ones at an under for ever: Lord (faithDavid) how many are they that trouble me ? So many they were; that he could not tell howmany. Fourthly, They are fuppofed to have no friends, none to appear for them: Let usper/ecute and take.bim (lay they) for there it Pfal.7r. re. none to deliver him. Not aman, no nor God, as they conclude, They fay of myfoul, there ísno help for him in his God. Ineed not fay, it is a wonder to exalt a people, upon all theredifadvantages: The fad (peaks; thould you fee a man trod upon the ground, and many there holding him down, one by the arme another by the leg, a third laying .a great weight upon his bruit, were is not a,wonder to fee thisman rife up, and'refcue himfelf from them all ? Thus it is with the Church and fervants of God, when they are low, all the worldis upon their backs ; the world of wicked ones hang about them; onewith his power, another with his po- lick, all with their utwoft endeavours to hold themdown ; yet theLord fees themou high, who werethus low,and exalts them to fafety, who were thus in danger. Oh that men would praife abe Lord for his goodneJ;r, anddeclare his wonderful works to the children of men, And this is further declared in the lath verfe, Heáfippoint- etb the devices of thesrafty,fo that their band cannot perform their enterprife As ifElopbaz should fay, would you know,how God exalttth his people', and fetteth them in fafety ? 'Tis true,they have many enemies, many that plot and devife evil againil them; but the Lord breaks thugplots; he out plots them ; Ile difappoint cob thedevues of the eraity, &c.And as this is a proofofthe former, fo it is a further inflance of Gods wonderful works. The cirri was in natural things:Pná'iog r The fecond and third were in civil things, fit , exaltirgbis ownpeople; and fc ondly,in -de. feat ii g,