Chap. 4. in Expofition upon the Book of J O F. Verc 7, dealings all his"dayes ; and it is to the verypoint in hand, I have beenyoungand now am old,yet neverfaw I the righteous forfaken; himfelfcarefully obferved the dealing of God in this Pfalm : and in the next (Pf37,35,36.) he gives the like direfion toothers; thus I have done, do you take the fame courte too, I have fan the wicked in great power, and fpreading bimfeif like a green Bay. tree ; then he goes on,Markthe feyfegi man,and behold the upright. I have confidered the cfìate of wicked men, let all obfcrve the elate of the godly ; Marktheperfea man,snd behold the upright; "rile works of God expound his Word;in his Works his Word is often made vifible. That's an excellent exprcffion,Pfal.i The works ofbas bands are verity andjudgment ; The agis ofGod ore verity, that is,God as his own truths ? As the works offour hands ought to be the verity and judgments of God, (every aEli- on of a Cbriffianfhould be one of Chrijts truths) fo it is exaaly with God himfelf, the works of his hands are his own verity and judgments. When we cannot find the meaning of God in his Word, we may find it out in his works : his works are a Comment, an infallible Comment upon his Word. Yet we mull take this Caution; the dealings ofGod in the fur- face andoutward part of them, appeal fometimes contrary tohis Word,contraryunto his promife,but they only appear fo,they are never fo. When a man reads a promifc and finds much good ftor'd up in it for the righteous, and then looks upon the hate of the righteous, and fccth it full of evil, here is a feeming contrariety between the Word and the Works ofGod, but it is only a feerning contrariety, as we (hall fee fomewhat further anon. Therefore in that Pfalm 111.2. wherehe faith, The works ofGod are verity and judgment, he adds, The works of God are fought out : ifyou will have the verity or judgment that is in the works of God,you tuna not only look upon the outfideofthem, but you muff tick them out, fiudy them hudy themas you Rudy the Scriptures, and then you will find out;tlle meaningof them, and fee how exaetly they f uare with every part of the Word. Whydoth Eliphaz fend job to experience ? the ground is this the Works of God are like the Word of God ; therefore if thou canal not make itout by experience from his Works,thoucana hardlymakejs out, asa Pofition from his Word ? .That righteousperfonsare cut off. Remember