Chap. 4. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Vcrf, 7.1 Laftly, take it in the fifth fence, and fo you may have a further truth, which Iconceive, is that which Eliphsz purpofely aimetla at i take perithing, for outward prefent defiru&ion, joyncd with a total defertion ; and in that fcnle the propofiirion of Eliphaz is true alto ; No righteousman, no innocent min ever perifhed, or was fo cut off with any temporal judgment : the Apoftle is dire for it, (2 Cor.4 8, y ) we are in trouble on ea,ry fide, (we fee trouble, which way Coever We turn) but we are not (greyed, are perplexed(we are in the bryars as well as ungodly men) but not ïndefpairei (weare in hope ftill,,and if there be hope for us, God is for us ) We are perf cuted, but not forJakett, ( God if near us, though all the world (land aloofe,) ve are calf down, ,but not deftroyed,we (hall up again. So that while he admits ofperith- jug in the former fenfe, retpe&iug out ward aflli &ion, ye t he de nies it con (tautly in this latter fink, fo as to be cut offquitefrom the comforts and fupports of God. That obfervation of . David, may be thus underflood, (Pfa'. 37. 25.) I have been young, and now am old,yet have Inotfeen the righteous forttke n, (he Both got fay, in my experience I never law the righteous affll&ed,but I ne- ver law him left or forfaken in his affli&ioa}s) and 1 neverfaro his feedbegging their bread : he puts in that, becaufe begging ofbread, cfpecially in the Common -wealth ofIJrael, and in the (tate ofthe Jeans, was a note ofutter dercliEhon ; for though God had told them, that they thould have the poor alwaycs with them, yet he had given an exprefs Law, that therefhould be no beggar among them ; therefore, faith he, I have not fan the righteous Co forfa- ken,tleat they thould beforced to live by begging. Cfùirranfiié_ Ifany fay, that David himfclfbegged* asked bread of Abime- rii n,n reddens lech and of Nabal. I anfwer, it is a good rule, and it refolves the mendicam cafe ; Tranfitory cafes and fudden accidents, make no beggars we muff not fay, David was a beggar, or begged his bread, be- caufe once he was in a firaite, and asked bread of Abiinelecb ; and ix a fecond firaite, tent to Nabal In fuch fudden cafes, the rich- eftmanin the world, may be put to ask a pieceof bread. A good man may fall into fuch wants, but good men are rarely, if ever or at all left in them. But now toapply it particularly to the intent ofElipbaz in this place. We have given three,interpretations, in which we have fhewed how righteous men may perish ; and two, wherein the righteous cannot potlibly perith, in both which the words here G fpeken