Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap Ait Expofition upon the bookof J O B. Verf28. vifible fin. Thy way and thy doings leave procured theft things un- to thee,this is tbywickednefs, Jer.4 18. The bitter things procured by wickednefs,are called wickednefs. As the fwect fruits of our good works, are called our works, Rev. Bleffed are the dead that dye in the Lord, for they reft from their labours, and their works follow them : their works follow them, how ? Not their works in kind, the very fame individual works, wh ich they have done here follow them not ( for they are trantìent alts , and have no fublittency) but the fruits of thofe works, and the blcflings which lye in the promife for Lich as do thofe works, theft fruits, there blifings follow them ; the blcfíing annexed to faith, obedi- ence, and holincfs,thefe follow them. So now, when it is raid of a wicked min, what he ploweth and foweth,he reapeth the tame, it is to b. underttood or the fame thing in the effete and confe quence°fit, t D é curies, thofe treatures, t hat harvett of wrath, which lye ire í ire tíoreatnivgs agai nti him, thefe are rained down upon him and are made the portion of his cup. Again f :be feme ] that is, the fame in degree; if he have fown much, he (hail reap much, if he have town but little, he thall reap , . but little, he thall have his due proportion. The juflice of God doth neither commute nor compound penalties with wicked men:' as it will not wrong nor overcharge, fo neither will it favour or . fpare them in their tins. God (pared not his Son when he was in.. the [lice of tanners, Rom. 8. 3' a. much leis will he fpare any iìn nor, who is not in his Son. So much for the opeuingof there words. We (hall now obferve force things from them. Even as Ihavefeen, they thatplough iniquity. Hence we learn, firft;that to be s wickedman isno eafietas ; he molt go to plough for at : lt'is plowing,and you know ploughing is labourious, yea trishard labour. Wicked men in Scripture arc called Sons tf Belial, that is,fuch as will not endure the yoke; they willnot en- Beliet,deluci elute Gods yoke,or theyoke of Chri(t, though it be an eatie yoke P010à' 2 but they arc content (lavi(hly to yield their(otherwife) proud and Q11Ú Qant delicate necks to Satans yoke, to tugg and fweat at his plough all gum ut fgn: their dayes. There isapromife in the ?rophet of a time, when Jùnurimpati. Swords fhail be turned intop/attgb.ß arts, and Spears intopruning-, entw j agi, boons; that is, men (hall leave fighting and go to working, they heron. thall have peace,and it is but too too difcernable,that many would break their fwords, into there millical plough- thares, and their Bears into&nniug-hooks; they would have peace,why ?that they n icht