Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

58 diáp. 4, rttt Expofitz:m upon the Book of J O 13. Verf. g. and maki great preparations againtì the enemy, but I will do it with a blaít. And which is yet more fpeedy, force underftand this Wail to note only the will and pleafure, the intent or purpofe of God, by the blaff of God they perifh ; that is,ìfhe dobut will ít,it is done, ,opo'df it is no more for him to ad it then intend it.TheSeptuagint tran- F rl9 wvpíe. (late near this fenfe. by the command of Godthyperijh ; as if Eli- phaz had Paid, it is as eahc for God to do it, as to fay it that?, or to command it to be done. Men can command great things, and talke much, what they will do ; and all proves but talking and commanding : one man may command more in an hour, then a Million can do in a year, but with God it is all onc,to command and accomplitie.It is noted fora high tpeech,that ofCæfar to Me- tellxs,whooppofing him,when he came into the Roman Treafury, to take the money there heaped together. G.efar(whofegreat fpi- Tit could not bear oppofitlon)faith to him,Let mealone,or Iwill lay thee dead upon theground. And prefèntly,at once to qualifie tint threat andmagnifie his own powcr,adds,Toting man,it it birderfoe me to fpeaktbis, then to do it. It is moll certainly fo with God, he can as eaüly do any thing as (peak it. Yet further, we find the cafineGs of Gods deftroying his enemies fit forth a degree hither, He doth it by a look; as by a blabof his-nefirils, fo by a cant of his eye ; that's a (mall trouble, and that's aÌl,that it needs colt God,to deftroy the ftrongeft, the vilefi and violenteft foc in the world thus he confumed the Hoatt of Pharaob,evea with a look, (Exod 14. 24.) It came topats that in the morning watch, the Lord looked unto the boaji of the .Ægyptians, through thepik'ar of fire,and ofthe cloxd,and troubled the hoaft of theiEgypelans. If God hide his face from his people they arc troubled, and if he look upon his enemies they are troubled. He darts out both beams of life, andbeams of death from his eyes. When a godly man is afflifed, if he can but get the Lord to look upon his trórtble,he is delivered. And when wicked men profper,if God do but look upon their glory they are withered. With filch cafe doth the Scripture cxprefs the deftrufti- on of wicked ones, it is by a breath, by a word,by a command,by a look An intimationfrom the eye of God, is execution. Secondly note, God can ridden!), deffroy the ceunfel,, and the plotting:, theploughings and the Jowingsof wicked men. In pro- verbial (peaking, to do a thingfuddenly, and todo a thing with a breath,are the fame:, God can as Coon dettroy his enamies,as a man can