7,8 t Chap. 7. An Expofition upon the Bookof j O B, Verf 21. in confali.m : and as he did not fo they need not be difcouraged to ask pardon for them, becaufe they are great. 7be gr a ce of the Go- pel is as large as any evil of fin, the Law can charge us with, The grace of the Gliofpel is as large as the curie of the Law ;what, foever the Law ca call or flew to be a Gr:, the Gofpel can (hew a pardon for it ; whatever the Law can bind us with, the Gol'pel can ribloofe.The Mercy-fat covered the whole A k; The M. icy feat noted the forgiveuefsof fin ; and if you read the d.f,:ription 'of it ( Exod, 25.) yon :hall find that it was exic`fly, to a hairs breadth of the fame din-minions with the Ark, wherein= the La was put : intimating, that there was mercy and pa. don for lin,ict It come out ofany part of the Law , laid up in that Ark, AI the leaf} muff o f neceffiiybave a pardon,fo thegreatef fits are in a poffibility ofpardon: And the truth is, there is no fin, as it is an Anomy, a tranfgriflion of the law, without the compafs of par- don. It is not the malignity of the fin, but the malignity of the fìu- uer, that makes it incurable ; the fin againfl the h:,ty Chaff is not unpardonable, becaufe there wants mercy large enough to pardon it,but becaufe he refufth the mercy, which should pardon it, and the medicine, that thould heal it. Fifthly, Obferve, who it is that here prcffeth thus for pardon it is job, and was lobnever pardoned till now ? Or was this, think you) the fìrft time that ever lib prayed for pardon ? Had not job thought of this bulinefs before? Withontquetiion he had; he was one ofwhom God gave his teflirnony, that he was a jujf and an upright man,one that fearedGodand efchewedevil ; He that did all this, and was all this, muff firtl be in favour with God and yet Jobcryeth, out, Why doff thou not pardon my tranfre, n ? Whence obferve, They whofe fins are pardoned, muffyet prayfor thepardon of fin Tea, they wbo, upon goodgrounds have affisrance, that their fins are pardoned, muffyetprey for the pardon of their fin 2 Sam. 12, 13, When Nathan told David` God pathpit away thy jìn ; he allured him that he was pardoned,and doubtlefs the heart of David open- ed by faith to let in that gracious Meffage ; he w as not faithlefs but believing Yet David in his penitential Pfalm penned afterward i prayes, (O how earntflly !) for pardon, again and a gain? That which a man, is.affured hehath,he maypray to have and enjoy : mak it fo high, which force make the grandobjeáii again(} thispoirit. Why lhouldwc pray ( fay they) for that which