7.20 . ,Chap, 7. An Expofrtion upon the Book, o f J O B. Verf°2 g. which we have already: I fay a man may pray for that, which he bath already, and is.affured he bath. Chrift himfelf was affured of the loveof his Father, and that his Father would flick to him for ever, and he knew God was near unto him yet he cryes (Mat. 27 . g.6.)My God, my God, why haft thouforfaken me? Which que- thon may be refolved into this Petition , My God,, my God, do not forfake me. When David had received a Meffage by the Prophet concerning a great temporal Mercy* the eflabltfhing of his houfe , that God would ferle him and his poflerity in the Throne for ever ; the text faith (2 Sam. 7. 15.) he prefently went in and fat before the Lord, and there makes a moll earneff prayer ; and what is it about ? he prayeth that God would fettle and eflablifh his Kingdome, verfe 25, 26 . ilndnow, 0 LordGod, The thing which thou haft fpoken concerning thy Servant and con- cerning his houfe, eftabliJh it for ever, and do as thou faid, &c, and let the houfe ofthy Servant David be eftablifhed before thee. Might not the Lord anfwer (according to this Obleçion)why doeft thou troubleme about this ? Did not I fend thee a Meffage even now, that I would eftablifh thy Kingdome ? Doll thou think I have forgotten my promife, or will be unfaithful to it ? We find not David thus chidden fur praying thus. Nay at v. 27. you (hall fee how David makes this the very ground of his prayer, Lord (faith he) tbou haft revealed to thyServant, faying, l will build thee an houfe, therefore loath thyServantfound in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee, &c. Even becaufe thou haft revealed this unto me, that thou wilkbuilt me an houfe, therefore upon this very ground I make this prayer, that thou wouldit build it, And to (hew that he was full of Faith , the thing (hould be done, bc.' fore he prayed it might be done,he adds, z 28. Thou art that God, and thy words be true, and thou haft promïfed thisgoodnefs unto tby fervant. Now therefore let itpleafe thee, to bheJs "the heuf e r f tly fervant. No man could be fuller ofaffurance, or fuller of p rayer than Davidwas. Likewife Chrifi knew.and was affured,that his íheep, his elet people, (hould continue for ever, and that none Ihould be able to take them outùfhis hand, yet how abundantly doth he.puur forth his fpirit in prayer abau t thefe things, joh.17. Again, .Chrift was affured he fhould be delivered and upheld in death, Yet in the dayes of hisflefh be offeredup prayer and fuppli- cations with ftrong cries and tearer to him that was Fable- to fave bim