Chap. 7. Ata Expofition upon the Boo1=,of J O B. Verf. 21 . 721- himfrom death, and he was beard in what be feared Heb. 5 9. He was not afraid of the event, whether he fhould hold out and pre vail or no, whether he thould conquer and obtain the victory or no, he doubted not the fuccefs of this war, though it were with principalities andpowers; His fear wasonly a natural pafiion,which he took upon him, when he took our nature upon him. He was certain of the iffue and knew he thould carry the work through a, . gait- fl all thearmies ofhell,he fhould never have undertaken it elfe: yet he prayeth with throng cries, that he might be ítrengthened. So then it is no argument,becaufea Believer knoweth his fin is pardoned, that therefore he thould not; pray for pardoi.rfor many things, of which there was clear and certain evidence, that they - were, or thould be, havebeen prayed about ; it is our duty, for it hath been the practice,both of Chrift, andof his people to pray in fuch a hate. Further we may Airfwer: Matters of faith areoftwo forts. Fitti fuch as are fully accompli(lted, aced and compleated in ail the parts and circumflancesof thcm;for,and about fuch things,- we are not to pray. No man into pray for the redemption of the World, for that is a thing pail, and yet it is a, matter offaith But, thepardòn,of fan,though it be compleat in it felt, and a matter of faith to us, yet it is compleating and perfecting every day more and more.Pardon is given us, yet we feel not all whiclgardon gives It is a felect ad on Gods part, yet it is in tnotton ours; that is, ina perfectivemotion. Therefore though we are affured that our fins are pardoned, and (hall (land pardoned for ever, yet we may pray about the pardonof them. Thirdly, Suppofe a man know his -fins are pardoned,yet he may pray to know it more, and that his-evidences may be made yet clearer to him; for though fincannot be more pardoned in raped ofGod at one time, than at another;yet in regardof man it may. He apprehends the pardon of his lin more now, than before, and may hereafter apprehend it more, than now: And it is worth the while to bellow pains in-prayer for pardon, tohave the pardon a little more inlightned : thedegreesofany grace or favour,as well as the matter and fubftance of them; are worthy all onr _feekinge and moti ferious enquiriesat the throne ofGrace. Fourthly,He that pathaffurance of the pardon of.fin,is ro pray Or the pardonof fìn,becaufe he continucthftill to fin:And though itt