fiza Chap. 7. tin lá; p'ti,x upon the Book of .J O B. VeYf.zi- 'it be a truth, thattin committed is pardoned in the dekee. and purpofe of God, yet we. mull not walk by the decreesof God, but ny fits comandeenents and rules. His decree pardons tin from all eternity but his rule is, that we should pray for pardon every day, as we pray for bread we eat every day, Math. 6.. r r, 12. We mutt not fay ,God hath pardoned all tin at once, therefore no matter to ask it again : or I have had once the light of pardon, and therefore the light of l n, shall never trouble me ; teeing we are directed to hearth our hearts for tin, and to leek to Gdei for par- don continually. So long as we tin it becomes us to be lì.titors for the pardon of tin.He that bath ceafed to tin, may ceafe to ask the forgivenets of fin,ttil then, I know ne idler rule nor prontife, that gives a difpenfation for this duty. To elote this point, t here are twoCafes wherein believers are e- fpecialiy to renew their fuits abont the pardon of tin. First ( which though it be lamentable, yet it is pollible ) in the cafe of falling into feandalous and grols tins , Thefe not only weaken afl,uranee, and be-night the foul, but excedingly di-tho- nour God and grieve the holy Ghoft. Thiscaufed David to pray and cry for the pardon and purging of his tin, as frefhly and as ftrongly, as if he had never received a pardon, or any evidence of Gods love(of which yet he had great ltore)before thatday,Pf. 5r. Secondly in times of great troubles and trials, whether per- fonal or National, the Saints re- inforce prayer about pardon, This was jobs cafe, his perfonal affliétions occafion'd him to beg the remifions of tins ; and not only remiflion for fins, then com- mitted, but for all the fins, he had committed either beforeOr af- ter Converfion. Even our formerly pardota'd fns need pardon, when we look the fight ofpardon, and when the foul hath no vi- fions, but vitionof terrour, le mull leek vifions of peace, in the free-grace ofGod, renewing and fealing pardon its the blood of fetus Chrilt: Job having thus breathed his fpirit in arguings,complaints, and prayers, movesthe Lord, for a fpeedyend and gracious anfwer. otherwife he fees no way, but he mutt breath back his fpirit into the hands of the Lord who gave it and lay his body in the ducts from whence it was taken. For