Chap. 7. AnExpofition upon the Boo1Zof J O g, .Veri. ¿rc. For now /hall I fleep in the duff, and thouu/haltfeek,me in the morningbut Ifhall not be.- NowPall I fleep in the duff. What he means by this fleep, hath been handled, (Chap. 3. `-t y7 a3.) where it was (hewed that death is called a ileep,why, andfPoPrtèe/3eu. in what manner, death isa fleep. The word here tranllated,ba re, hlcmor to f fleep, lignifies properly to lye down : but the fence is the famev©eas, becaufe men lye down, when they compofe and -fit themfeives edam 013t0 to tleep. And the dead are called down-lyers, as well as f7eepers full 5 "i's ),Ar in the Hebrew.The Septuagintreads it,now/hall Ig:o the earth. a7r074o'7e1444. David (peaks near this language, Pfal. 22.15. Thou haft brought me to the duff of death, Obferve hence, whither we are travelling, and where we mutt take up a lodging for our bodies, ere long. They whole heads are hiy,hell,they who lye in beds of Ivory, mutt lye down in a bed of earth, and reti their heads upon a pillory of duff. Mott fleep in the dull, while they live, but all mutt peep in the dufl, when they dye , earthly men have earthly minds, and they cannot tell, but in earth, for it is their Center. Only he who hath laid up his heart in Heavenscan comfortably think of laying down his head in thedaft. Further it is remarkable in how pleating a notion Job (peaks of death, when his life was moli unplealant to him. He com- plained ofretllels nights in the third, fourth, thirteenth, and fourteenth vetfès of this Chapter yet hecould think ofa time, when he thuld lye quietly in his bed, and not have fomuch as a waking niomend', ora diltraóing dream. And when he wal once gone to thú bed, the'curtainsof darknels beingdole drawn about him, he ¡hould opeu his eyes no mote, till the eyelids of that eternity-morning opened, therefore he concludes Thoulaaltfeekme in the morning, (fc. of time) but I (hall not be. 723 In the Ilebrew, Thou/haltfeekme in the morning, is but one word. And tome cut out a latine word fit to ferve it.Wemay Englith it 11riEtly to the letter, if thou morning me, that is,ifthou cornea to feel( me (as the force ofthis word kath been formerly given)with never fo much diligence and care,I ¡hail not be found, thou wilt not have Job alive upon the earth to bellow thy mercies upon 'For Zxzz