Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 7. Art Expofition upon the Bookof J pB, Verl:2i. 72 with arguing, while he often proteffes he was wearied with liv- ing ? That while he could fcatce fetch his breath for pain, he Mould do fo much work(in manner)withouta breathing For as the Me(fengers ofhis troubles gave him no refi; But whileone was yet fpeaking,there came anotherally andfaid,acc.rindwhile afecond wasyet fpeaking, a third came andfaid, &c. Soneither did thefe difputants about his troubles. While Eliphaz and Job were yet fpeaking,Bildad anfwered and faid, &c. While Eliphaz and fob were yet fpeaking, Zophar anfwered and faid, &c. What Eli- pbaz laid, and .Job anfwered in this firfi undertaking, you have heard the opening of what Bildad had to fay, and Job to an- fwer, waits (till the Lord (ball be pleafed tovouchfafe ít) a fur- ther opportunity. What is now (as himfelfhath pleafed toenable his unworthy infiniment) offered,waits upon him for his ble(fng. To him all ble(fing is for ever due.; on him let phial ever waif, for all his blefíings. Amen. FINIS.