THE TABL E. bread in a promife, when we bave none upon the board 347 Brethren manyforts of them. p; 497. Brethren deceitful, 49'9:. The deceit of a ;bother, is double deceit, efpecially of a brother in the faith, ibid. Burial, A comely burial is an honour and a bleng, p. 394 C CHarity, Four ac`lsoffpiritual charity. p. S. Spiritual cha- rity beff,p. 13,14 Charity.efpecial. ly f piritual charity is open banded, p. 14 Chaftnings, fee Afflitions. What is properly a chattning, p. 326: How we my improve this notion, that Shaddai God rllmigh- tytchaflens us, p 429 Childron of wickedparents, of- ten wrapt up in the fame judge- ment with their parents . p. 200 Children if Godly parents neareff the blefing, p. 389. Bleffings upon childre n are theparent,', 390 Chirurgion , 1bree neceirary qualifications for him either in a natural or myffical fence, p. 337 Chriff confirmed the good An- gels, p a 39. No ffabitity in any fiateout of Chriff, ibid. Chriti is net only aprinciple, but a pattern of holinefs, 175. Faith can live upon nothing but Chriff, p,487 Cloud,wbat, p, 6a3,Dying man like .a cloud, ib, Commendations with a Bur, wounds, P. 17 Committing our caufe to God, what it imports,p 228. Commit. ling our caufe to God, a great eaf ï to thefoul, 231, A caution about committing our castle to God, 232 Complaining when f nfool, 622 'Concea'ing'theavoidGodPot- ful, four ma}es of concealing it,. 462, 463 Confefion of fin : a general confcllîon may be a found one, 679. Divers ingredients of it, 680. The ho lief! have caufe to cone fcfsfin, and why? c8 Silt not conic ffed, gets ffrength three wayes; 683. It makes the foul very açlìve about the remedies of fin' 684, Confidence, Holy confidence what it is, 21. Confidence in God, fettles the heart in all condi- tions, 30, Confcience, the tefiimonyof it). the beg- ground ofwillingnefs to die >- 465' Corredioni, ' what it is, 313 The great ff afietions upou the children of God, are but corre- lions, 314. Holy a eorre&'fora differs from a judgment, ib, 315: A child of God is happy under all corredtons, 316. - What it is to de- Jpife corrections, opened, 319,326 Crafty m'en, who they are, 273 Craft, wifdomof natural men is craft, 275 Crafty men Sa- tan defires to Get to his fide and fervices