Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

THE TABLE. . fervices, why ? 276, 277, &e Crafty men full of hopes, 279 and induftry, ib. Theywantpower to effcel what they devfe, 279. It is a wonderful work ofGod, to flop the devices of crafty men, 281. In what fence anyof their devices profiler, 282. How God takes the wife in their craftinefs, 284, 287. No craft ofman can ffand before the wifdom of God, 286 Creatures, a Book wherein we ,nay learn much both of God and our felves, 618.Creatures enanet give us any comfort without God, 633: He can make anycrea- ture helpful to us. ib. Counfel , in counfellingothers, we fhould Ibew our [elves ready to fellow the fame counfel , 233. God -turns the .coun(èl -f wicked ,` men againJi themfelves,287_What I counfel it?290 ,Raah,haJ1 counfèls are fuccefr eft, 292 Curie, what it %s to,curfe, .Igo The Saints in Scripture, rather prophefie of, .then pray for curies upon the heads ofwtcked men, I9.1. No creature can ffand before the curfe ofGad, 196 I) Alilah, What itfgnifter, p. 303 - Darknefs in the day time, what itfgni es, 293 Death confumes ,xs without' noife, 15 3. Man ca,enot (tandottt the afanitiof death, }154, We art fubjeîítodeath,eveay moment, 155. Death haftenupon us all the dayes we live, 156 i 57. What death 162. In death all natural and civil excellencies go away, 162. Goesteff wifJom to prepare to die well, 1641 Howman isfaidtope- rifhfor ever when he dies, 157, 158. Few of thelivingobferve how fuddenly others dye, or tbemfelves may dye, r 59 Thoughts of death laidto the hcort, are a good medi- cinefor an evil heart, 16o. A happy death, what ? 390. Agodly man is a volunteer in death, 395 When a godly man dies, he bath h td his fill of living 396. In what fence aman.may be Paid to die be fore his time, andin the midjt of bis dayes 397. Affurance ofa bet- ter, life, Barrie; us through all the pain of death with comfort, 457, So dotb the.tef}imony ofa good con- rcionce, 465. No evil inthe death ofagodly men 480. Death the end ofworldly comforts, 618 Deliverance it of the Lord 341 . he Lord can deliver as, often as we can need deliverance, 34r God delivers his peoplefrom evil grvhile they are in trouble, 344 Defpair,. A godly man may think his efface defperate, 545. Devices, what ? 272. Difcontent at the dealings of God