Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

TthE TABLE. Gieatnefs ofGods works 24ò.The leaff 1 bit wages, more thanupon his rrork. works of God, bave a greatnefs in 582,583 them, becaufe theyare hit 240. ; A Holinefs better than peace in our twofold greatnefs in the works of dwellings 385, 388. What the hob God 242 lintfs of the creature is 469. We Groping at noon day, what it imports muff go to God for holinefs 471. To 294 defpife holinefs,is is defpife God 472 H. Holy One,God is calledthe holy One infive refpebis 467. The excellency HAlleinjah,wbatit fignifiei, where ofthe holinefs df God above that farfi uTed in :be Scripture ofthe in men or Angels fhewed divers Old andNew Teffament 132, wayes 468. None are fit for corn- mullion with God but holype foes 472 Hope, what it is to hope 22 Hope taken two wayes 3 oq..Thepeople of God have hope in the worff times ib. It is ito vain thing to hope in God 305. Experience breeds hope 305. Hope is better to the peo. ple ofGod then all their poffeffions 306. Hope that troubles will end fupports the heart in bearingprefenfi troubles 461. Hopes deceived, trouble us more tbcn wants 511. Deceived hopes kill with fhame, ib. Hope the loft refuge 601. Agodly mans hope may lye pro!irate doe Humble, the apprebenfion ofG ds great goodnefs humbles man 65, Hypocrites profeffion grounded upon hope togain by it 25,26.They cannot bold out in profeffion, becanfe they want an inwardprinciple .505 Hand ofGod, bowfaid to be loofened, 455. If Godjfreteh out his hand ofpower, all creatures are helpt or deffroyed by it 456 Hands hanging down, what meant by them9. Weaknefs ofthe hands ari- fes four wayes i o Happinefs what it is, 3 i o. Many opii nions about happinefs, and whence ib. Why the Hebrewwordfor hap pinefr is in the plural number, 3 1 1 Hearing is more then a workoffence 400 Hearta judiciary hard heart is the greatoffjudgment on this fide hell, 121. Setting t'i,e heart neon any thing,magnifaes it 657. Setting the heart notes four, things 66e. Our duty to fet our hearts upon God 663 heart ofmanfull of cyánges 67e Herefie,Tbree things . concur to make aherefe '533 }high' God canfet us high andfafe 269 ! Hypocrifie paints the face as well as Hirelings, who 573, His eye upon A a a a a 2 Fnnoccncy