Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

i. THE TABLE. INnocencp, or an innocent perfon, whence called, p. 37. A man it bound to defend his own innocency, 409, 410 átnnumcrable,a threefoldfenf e of it, 255 lnflrufcion, To inflruel "others , is a mans duty and hispraife 13.0 Such as know God aright, are ready to inflru& others in hit knowledge, ib. An honour to great men to infiruel others 14. It is eafier in fame cafes to infltud than to learn t 8, 523. h is a fhame when our allions croft our teaching ibid Invocation of Saints refuted 171 K. I (No Threeforts of knowing men 401 Knowledge, or to know , taken five wayes in Scriprure 381. A man mayknow much, andyet get no 'good by it 403 L. LAbOur, it is afore afítcelion when we cannot ¡ enjoy our labors 202. Except we labor, we have no right to eat 5.74. we muff not be difpleafedat our labor ib. Laughter, what it is, 56o. To laugh bow taken in Scripture , with the kinds of it 361 , 362. a godly man laughs at, or triumphs over all outward evils 364. Yea, though brought at once to charge againfl bim 366 Lye, To lye taken two makes a lye cannot be long bid 552. 553 Life,no tfrength in man can give him affurance oflong life 4 9. The life ofman a warfare 568, &c. The life ofman it meafured out by the will God 571. The decree ofGod con- cerning our lives, no groundfor any to abate their care ofprefervingtheir lives 572. Life jhort 576. It it goodfor a mantbat it is Jo ibid.. Light,a double light neceffary to feting 2jí4. It is afore judgement not to fee when light Haines 295 Lions, theirfeveral names 6o. How they fhadowfeveralforts ofmen 61. HowTyrants refemble. Lions 6a,63 Lownefs two-fold, 266.268 Low, they that are lowefl are nearefl exaltation 268. it if a wonderful workof God, to fet on high thofe that be low 270 Lu(ls,feveral lulls a£I iufeveral agesof man 177 MAgnifie , fgnifies three things, 6 5 o. God magnifies man four wayes, 65.1. Efpecially by fettingbis heart Riponman 657 Mans satotral conftitution t makes him.: