THE TABLE. brim fenfib!e ofaffli6lion 482 Mans worth it out ofhimfelf, 652. God befforvs many thoughts upon man, 654 Marvellous things what, 249. They arefeparatedfrom man three wayes, ibid. Ordinary Werks of Nature and Providence are marvellous in two refpelis, 254. Marvels are a token ofGods pretence, 253, Many Marvels wrought in our dayes, ibid. Marvels Jhould werk faith in us, ibid. 254. Chrift will wonder at our unbelief, ifwe believenot ,when he doth wonders 254 Mafs, a Popiflo conceit aboutthe name ofit 489 Memory, and to remember what, The Works of God are to be rernembred ibid. Mercy, A threefold mercy in God, 460. Mercy of God moft moved towards us by telling him our mifery 609 Miracles, Signs andMarvels how they differ 250,25! Morning , To do a thing in the morning, and every morning what they import 667,723 Moth, Howman is crufhed as a moth, a threefold meaning of it 152, r53 Mourners defcribed266. Suchneareft joy and exaltation 268 Murmuring or complaining, 7a murmur as the dealings ofGod, is to make our [elves jufter than God, 123. complain to God, but not of God 124 Mang men nogreat talkers 527 N, NOftril ofGod what meant by is 1l 56 Numbers, Three, fix and (even bow ufed in Scripture 337,338. Twice . andthrice, three and four,fix and fevers, feeven and eight, what they fignifte inScripture 3 39,340. O. OLD age,a full old age, what 390,39!. a perifhing old age andaßourifhingold age, 292. A godly man ever dies in a full age, 394. B ble ng to live to Old age 395' ,Opprefíion, To oppreês the poor and fatherlefs, a grievous fin 549. pAflion carries us out ofour felves 556, pardon offin God only can do it,713. Why pardoning or remitting fin i committed to men, and in what- fence, 714, 715. How pardon of finis expreffed in Scripture 715,.. 716 When fit is pardoned, the punilhment of Sin it alto pardoned, 717, greateft Sias parlonable,71 8 They whofe Sins arepardoned, may and ought topray for pardon, 719, { In two cafes prayer for pardon ia erpeciawly to be renewed. 712 4aast a 3 Past