THE TABLE: Peace with Beafls how ? 378, When God is at peace with ass, he can quicklymake all Creatures at peace with its 379 Peace agreat mercy Perifbing or toperifh taken five ÿ ra in Scripture 35.36 flow righteous perf$ns may, or cannot perifh s, 8,3ec k erfifìing in evil mog_dangerous, 557 Pity it is 49o,&c: It ís a duty to Pity the diftreffed 494 Plowing of iniquity, &c. 44 Plow- ing referr'd to goodaelions' l 45 Poor. Some Gods poor, and fume the Devils poor 297. Poor are full of defire.r, becarsfe full of wants 293. Poor moll fubjec to oppreffion, 301. 14/joked men plot againft the people of God, how poor foever, and why 3or. God delights to help the poor, 3 02. Poor mull tape heed ofgreedy feeking the creatures 522. Poor that are modeft in asking fhould be fooneftfupplyed 52 2 Prayer, Some wicked men :bruit out ofthe prayers of Gods people 19 2. Adreadful thing to befo 139.pray- er is theputtingofour cafe to God, 228. They who pray much,`expeCi much 45z. God often Op pray er by him unanfhvered 453. TheÌ return ofprayer is thefolace of the foul 45 3 Prefence of God twofold 671. Go can make hio owl: pretence grievo to x` 673 Prefervation ofman thework ofGod, 692. Man wants a preferver,,and why 693.. How Goda aprefe;vcr 644. tl neeety that God fhould be mans preferver .695. He pea- ferves his own people in a fpecial manner, andwhy 6966. His prefer- ving care is perpetual 69 7 Pridlá r r:,;vs in the hell foil s y 7,, God refijtstheperfons of the p®ud,andhe will reß/t pride in his beft friends, 118. Pride in apparel and 596, beauty 597 Probability offar ing as groundenouglh forfeeking 507 Promifes are the portion of believers, 403 Providence the common blefngofGod not difFenced afpecial pro- vidence 26o , 261. - Providence watches over all creatures, molt over filch ai are hurtful to man 62 7 Prudence goes f ftly 292 Punit};mcnt may come long after the fin 49. It (hall be proportionab,'e to the degrees offin 50. Itfhall not exceed the defert of fin, ibid. It it is often like thefin in kind 5 1 The ftrongefl finner (ball:not efcarepunifh ment 65. Punifbnnccnt is gradual, 66. Reafons why the Lord. fief- pends punifhmenr , 69. Wciked punifh'dly thefe whom they bave op.. preffed 204, 206. God can punifh the ftrongefl by . the weakell, ínflr mente` 207 Qaeaions