Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

THE TABLE. Q foldfence 37,38 S. QUeftions in Scripture fometime heighten thefence, andfometime abate it 649 R. D. Ain,the benefit of it 259, 260. IN,How ït is a fpecial gift of God, 261. It is a wonderful work of God tofend rain 262 The giving of rain a motive tofruit+' fail obedience,ae da convielion mfthe difobedient 263,264 Rain of 5'23'' Reafon it thefouls taller 562 Redemption what it is S4e,5z1 Remembring what it imports, when afcribed to God 602 Reproof mull be fweetn'd witbfriendly infatuations 6. It is nonifeiliethistg tobear a reproof 7. To fame cas we muff reprovewhether men take it ill or no ibid. 1Zeturni*ig,zzbatit imports in Scrip- ttrre 554, Re"turn,retrrrn,xvbat it imports "5S5 IZ.eward,évery manfhall have a reward 577 Riches,worldlymen very careful tofe- cure their riches 209: IU gotten riches cannot beTeetered 2to,R'tchés "ahycalleditrettgtb 213 Righteousy mett o.elled in four: _.. f_ .- . SAints, what a Saint is x73. it is our duty to lookupon and imitate the examples of the Saints 175 When God forfakes a man, the faints on earth forfake him too 177 Salvation or fafety is of the Lord 300 Salt in ourfpeech what, 442. Mini- fiers ofthe Gofpel, why called Salt 449 Sane` ifre , how man fanel ifes God , Sand oft ie fea appl} ed three way 4 in Scripture 419 SatisfaóHoaaforfin cannot be made by man 688.'" A theefolddeficiency in all our workr for that end 689 Scandal what ? Scourge of the Tórtgut;, vide Tongue Sea, three things in it moil confider- able 624How like man in his nates'" ral condition 628. Efpecinlly to cas vetoes oppreffours 629 Scafon, every thing (` evenpale death) is beautiful in it 397 Seeeking implyesfour things 227. Wt mufffeekGod efpeeially in times of afU ion s 236í, Senceof wan* carriesas to look for a remedy 507 Shame, how caufe 51i Shaddai, One of the twines mf God