Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 1, An Expofition upon the Bookof J Verf. 9, 61 Lyons whelp, &c. And as an old Ly o n, wbo (hall rouze him top ? Gen. 49. 9. Thefe feveral forts of Lyons thadow out unto us,, mighty, Itrong andpowerful wicked men, or ploughers of wickedoefs, with all related to them ; they, and their families, they, and their wives,they,and their children; all theirs are dually frill of Lyon- like qualities, and all thcfc (hall be deliroyed and peti(h, by the Blatt, by the breath of God. For, as the Apotile puts the queftion in another cafe, about Oxen,Dath God take carefor Oxen? So if any fhould queftion here, is God angry with Lyons? doch h e oppofe hitnfelfagainti Lyons, that he faith here, the Lyon thall perith, the young and the old Lyons thall be deftroyed ? No, there is a further meaning in it, fomewhat elfe is thadowcd stndcr the name d«notionof Lyous.firft,in Scripture thcLyon fig- ni6es any one in authority,efpecially in kingly authority,(Ge)1.4.9. r o,)the Tribe ofjudab(whichwas to have the Scepter and the rule, the Magitiracy or Government being fetled in that Tribe)is compared to a Lyon, Judab is a Lyons whelp, from the prey myfon thou art gone up, be i coped down, be couchedas a Lyon, andas an old Lyon, whofhaI ronze him up ? As Lyons are chief, the molt eminent among the Beaus of the field, ib Kings and Magilirates are chicf,the molt eminent among the Sons of men. Chritt is cal- led The Lyon of the Triteof judab, from the Prerogative of his power and theexcellency ofhisKingly condition above all others, his name being KingofKings, andLordof Lards. Secondly, the Devil is compared to a Lyon, he is called a roaring Lyon, becaufe of his cruelty and devouring nature, He goeth about like a roaring Lyonf ieking whom be may devour. And the Lyonshere in the Text how old foever they be ( are whelps of this old Lyon) the Devil not great men ingeneral, but wicked great men, menmighty in power, and mighty in fin,mighty finncrs.Itisfrequent in Scrip- ture to fhadow out powerful,wicked,tyrannicalmca,by the name fLyons, and the reafon is, becaufe they imitate the qualities and eonditionsofthe Lyon.Aman ae's by reafon,andAbrat} alts byfenfe sr paffìon: Rcafon is the difference between a man and a beaft: there- fore when manads againfi reafon or without reafon, thename of a'bcatl is fufily put uponhim:and the name of that beaft moRfit- }y,whofc qualities & Nikons he moil refembies : man in regard of his head-ßrooguturiliaefs,is compared ',into aHorfe and to a Mule. Pled,