THE TABLE. 409. Great forrowftops ouofpeeeh and makes broken language, 423° Not to be able toexprefs our forrow isan increafe ofit 424 Soul of inan is the man, 151. Mans excellency, 161,162. Souls being feparate front the body 603 6o4 Sowing, bow applyed and taken in byit o6,do7,_ Scripture 45h4 what it fignifies 327328 Shadow, How taken inScripture, Sheol, bow taken in Scripture, 6.i5 Shekel, whence fo call, it's rife 411 Shíggaion, What it means 532 Sight ofthe eye,mucb comfort cores in gilence or flopping ofthe mouth caufed Speaking, when ,the heart, is full of tirowayes,3o7, Mouthes of rvic!ed menflopt two rayes, 308. Silence becomes learners, 529 Sia,the material oanfe of it, is it¢ our felves,2r9. Sin is the meritorious caufe offuffering, ibid. We need no teachingto Sin 223, 224. Sin and farrow the portion of man by nature, 2 24. They are contained windily in our nature , ibid. To fin is no burtheit to a natural man, 225.Not to fin bow taken, 386. Yo be kept from fin, is better than all outward blffsngs, 384, 387.Sin thegreatel evil, 388. Sin contrary to the na lure ofGod,472.ihey who are fen - fble offin will pray hard for the pardon of it, 706. Sinners expell benefit by Sin, 4. Sin perfified in (hall have aforrowful reward 48, 49 Sleep, the cafe of trouble and cares, 59i. Bedcannot give fleep 5g2, 634 Smallefi mattersfall underprovidence 241 Sorrow, we ought togive a reafon of our ferrows t as well as of our hopes matter, it is a hard thing not to fPelk 7 SEonesofthe field, what it is #o .12e. =in league with them, 37o, 371', 6c. How God turns flottes into bread, and how man maybePaid to dofo, 376. Sword, Two fwords ofthe mouSh, i99 The hand of the Sword,Swórdinthe hand,' what they import 349' T. Eaching comparedto raining, or bolyDoftrin to rain in four re- fpec7s 523,524 Teachable , a gracious Spirit is teachable, and a teachable Spirit is an excellent Spirit, 528. un- teachablenefs more.dangereotz;thao ignorance íbid, Temptation by way of affay, o'r tryal, 5. Temptation, Prayer, andMe- ditation, the three great Exercifes ofa Ghritlian 568 Terrours , after terranriGod ufttally fends comforts , 104. Terreur ofGodwhat,whyfo called? 430;43 Pivots forts of ter ours, jetJ