Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

THE TABLE. the more it isfe arched ,ehe better it proves. 558 Ufelefs,to be ufelefs is in Scripture account,to be efr'encelefs. P515 W V V Ar ufually accompanied with famine, andwhy, p.348 War adevourer ibid Warfare,the life of man is a war- fare, fhewed infix particulars, pag. 565. &c Weaversfhuttle, lifeo fman likeit, 59 8,&c Whale, why Godfetsa watch over him, 625,&c. Wicked man mayf(ourifh in great outward profperity, 188. Thepati- enceofGodglorifiedin theprofperity ofwickedmelt, 188. Twoother rea- foils why they arepermitted to pro fper, 139. Wicked men may flouri(h a great while, ib. They are under a cetrfe while they flourïfh. 193 Wickednefs is very laborious, p. 47 T ;oe re is an -art in wickednefs, 48 Wife, good wife the beauty andorna ment of the bottle, P. 355 Wind, vain minds compared to wind, 543, 544. How the life is f wind. 5Q2,&c. Wifdom is the /lability. of things, Wife men to whom plain things may bedarkandoffeure, p. 296 Wit often abufed by Satan, 266, &c word 4 God expounded in hi; works,p. 34. A caution about it. ib, Word ofGod, how it may be hid, and hew not. 462. Words the conceptions of the mind, as hard to keep them in as children readyfor the himh,p. 7,8. Words of the wife very powerful, 15. Right words very ffrong, three things in right words, 535 536 Workes ofGod areperfel} mrkes, 238. work ofman put for his re ward. s World; when we are molt retired from the world, we ufetally have and are moltfit to have communion with. God,88. worldly men would live al- wayes in the world. 644 Woldly good things not good in themfelves,p,18.9.. They are noargu- ment that a man wbo bath them it good, 19o. No evidences of theefa- vour of God,194. The belt ofworld - ly things bat hed,iflong ufed;fpiri. tual things the more ufed, the more defired, 31o. Belt of worldly things fading, 384. Theworld is but for that life. . 610 . Woundings by the hand of God are oftenpreparatory to a cure; 32. God never makes a wound too brgg for his own. cure, 334. And he can, eaftly cureall the woundswhich the milice of than can make, 335. Wrath, what it is, p.178:Wrath, kills three at once. 18o Y` yEa andnay, what theyfignifieite Scripture. 514>