Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4. An Expofitian upon the Book of J O B. Verf. i 2. he who contends with God, carrieth himfelf very finfully. Therefore it is to be receivedas a ruth.s The úr11 part of the Argument is unqueflionable; that it is a truth which God revealeth from Heaven in a Vition. And that God bath revealed this unto Elipbaz, from Heaven ina Vilìon,he himfclf at large declareth in thole five verfes,defcribing both the manner how, and the time when this truth was revealed to him. His fecond Argument from reafon, is grounded upon the cóm- mon logical rule,of arguing from the greater to the lefhe,(Ver. i 8, 19, 20, 2r.) The fum of it may be thus conceived: That which would befolly andfinful boldnefs in Angels, if they fhouldafpire and take upon them to do, it much morefinful in a mor-. tal man. But if Angels Jhould go about to juflifie themfelves; or Jtand upon terms with God, it would be fin andfolly in them. Therefore it it muchmorefin andfolly in mortal man, to juffifte bimfìlf b: fire God, 6-c. The Major or the firft propoGtion is undeniable. The fecond propolition is proved and illutirated to the end of the Chapter. is (hewed in what condition man now fiandeth : how weak and how poor a thing a man is, compared unto an Angel therefore if it would be fin and folly in Angels to compare with. God, it mutt much more be fin and folly in man. So we fee how Eliphaz confirms the major propoGtion of the firfl Syliogifine. The fecond propoGtion or affumption which he inferrs upon rob,. But thouJob carrieft thyfelf JO as if thou wert morejufì then God : he proves by that fad expoflulation,Chap.3. And takes that for granted: We may form it thus. He that complaineth of God, as if he had done him wrong, makes himfelf more juil then God. But thou job, hail made fuch a complaint, Chap. 3. as if God had done thee wrong in of it;#ing thee, or in giving and in eon - tinuing thy life under fuch afidions. Therefore, thou feemeft to make thyPelf more juft, then God, or tofay, that God bath dealt unjuflly or injurioufly with thee. This I take to be the Logick of the remaining part of this Chapter. And having cleared his manner of reafoning in general, I !;hall defcend to open particulars,. Now